Dark Roses

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They will never know what hit them. Fiore will never be the same. I will rule and destroy the royal family. All I need is her. Aqua I'm going to take you and your magic. My little Demon/Dragon Slayer. I will be seeking you in a little bit.

I gasp sitting up in fear. I looked around to see Freed sleeping on the chair next to me. A pink hair woman turned and looked at me. "Your wounds have been healed to my best ability. Wendy and Chelia have done a great job of work on you." I nodded and said, "Thank you." I tapped Freed smiling. He looked up and smiled at me with tears in his eyes. "I thought I never see you wake up." I smiled at him and than remember my dream. "I think someone coming for me and my power. I'm scared!" Freed looked at the woman and grabbed my hand pulling me down to the rest of the guild. "Ms. Aqua your awake. How are you feeling?" I seen Wendy smiling at me. I walked over to her and shook her hand. " I'm Aqua. I'm freed fiance. I am a Universal Slayer. Pretty much I can have any magic or learn it. I have learn all the dragon Slayer skills. I also know most of the God slayer skills as well." Freed looked shock and so did Wendy. It was at that moment the building shook. We heard yelling downstairs and ran to help. I seen the man in my dreams, Lucian. I hid behind freed but noticed he had Cherry my exceed one his hands. He was holding a knife to her throat. I shadow walked behind him and yelled, " Unviersal Dragon Roar!" It hit him forcing him to release Cherry who transformed into her human form. She focus on him and hit him with a black spell. Lucian disappeared but stating he would be back for me. I ran over to Cherry hugging her tightly. She smirked and looked at Freed. I smiled and pulled her to the others who were in shock. "Your a Dragon Slayer?" Yelled Natsu. "Actually she is a Universal Slayer! She knows all kinds of Magic. She knows Demon, Dragon, Fairy, Angel, God, and Dragon Slayer Magic. She is the most powerful one in the guild next to gramps now." Gramps looked At me and asked, " Who was that I've never seen their guild mark before." Cherry looked at the old man. "They called themselves Dark Roses. They are followers of Death. They believe Death is a God that will rule the universe. They thinking killing Aqua will awake him. They can't get Aqua or they will raise an evil like no other." Gramps nodded, "Fairies one of our is under attack we must protect her and Fiore."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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