LOVE WHISPERS - being in love (2)

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Note : And finally part 2 is here. A little note of caution - I am aware this isn't my best, but I wanted to just do something very light and happy so that everyone who would read can find at least one instance to smile, amidst the grave surrounding right now.

Also, don't forget to mask up wherever you go out and please get vaccinated as soon as possible - you and your loved ones. Take care, be kind and let's pray for the situation to get better ❤️

 Take care, be kind and let's pray for the situation to get better ❤️

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Three Years later, KEG Medical college and Hospital, Mumbai -

Nandini hurriedly walked inside the elevator, impatiently waiting for it to take her to the designated fourth floor. She took out her stethoscope from her apron pocket and hung it around her neck, simultaneously checking if she had enough slips and pen and whatever else a third year resident needs stuffed in their pocket ; she was either way running late for rounds. She entered the ward and her subordinate came running with the patient charts.

"Dr. Malhotra would be here any moment, are you prepared to lead the rounds?", Nandini asked her fellow second year who nodded dutifully - not like she had an option. The transition was beginning, the third year had their final exams in two months and their preparation leave was due in 15 days, which meant they also had 15 days to hand over the entire system to the second year for running and running efficiently at that.

Nandini sighed, taking in the fearful features of her junior and started taking a mock round for her to catch the details again and revise with her. The junior, thoroughly grateful, immediately began jotting down notes, because well, firstly, the unwritten gospel truth of medical colleges and hospitals is you learn the best and the most from your immediate seniors, and secondly if there was one thing the entire Medicine department of this hospital was scared of, it was Dr. Malhotra's wrath.

Another PG came running in after few minutes, declaring the arrival of the said Dr. Malhotra and immediately the ward had nurses making sure every patient's file was on the bed, their medicines were covered and catheters changed, guards asking only one attender to stay inside and others to leave, while Nandini and her unit rushed towards the door and wished him good morning as soon as he entered.

Dr. Malhotra acknowledged the greeting and nodded at all of them, before stopping to ask, "So who is presenting?"

The second year came forward with a polite nod and for the next hour and a half, there was pin drop silence otherwise and the only voices were the PG presenting and Dr. Malhotra answering the patient or changing the course of treatment, as and when required, along with asking potential questions to whoever he liked asking. The head nurse kept following them as they walked bed to bed, immediately noting whatever change was mentioned for every patient, while the interns standing at the back of the group kept shifting on their legs, bored out of their minds and waiting for the rounds to finish so that they could mark their attendance and leave.

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