CHAPTER 6:❣Watch Your Words❣

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My apologies for the late update my beautiful loves🙈

🌹Enjoy reading🌹

Nathan's POV

"I just wish it could've been me in the car and not him."That's all he has been saying since he calmed down a bit and went back to my seat.It's been so many times he wished that he wasn't here with us today.And every single time it frustrated me,like what he's saying is a good thing...a good thing we should be proud of to listen to.I couldn't be quiet about it,so I snapped.

"Stop!Just...stop,"My voice lowered as I continued.At least I've got his attention now,"Erik you say that as if you got no one who loves say that as if no one will burdened to hear about your death.Do you even know what your words do to me?Everytime you have to talk about death?I get you,you've hit the worse phase in your life...but you don't have the right to blame yourself for what happened...fuck I can't do this!"The last sentence came out in a pressed,hoarse sound and I'm sure he didn't hear what I said at the end.

I couldn't be able to stay in that room that long.Being with two hurt souls,it wasn't easy.Wherever side I look I meet up with either a wound or a tear.Even when I want to let my eyes stay closed,the beeping...just the beeping sounds wouldn't stop echoing in this room.

Trying to stop the flow of tears in my eyes,I bolted towards the door.At the same time I heard screeching of a chair as Erik wanted to run after me.Once the door was opened,a female nurse stood with a surprised look on her face,it followed with a smile.

"Oh sorry!I came to let you know that your time is up.Two other visitors are-"

"I was just leaving!"I barked causing her to back away,letting me pass.

Erik dashed towards me,and finally getting hold of me.

"Nathan...I'm sorry."He apologized,guessing that he regretted ever saying all those hurtful words in that room.I didn't have the courage to look at him."Nathan please look at me.I realized that what I said was wrong,I didn't think before letting the words slide off my mouth.Y-you only wanted to make you feel better but all I did was pushing you away...I never intended to do that to you.Please talk to me,Nathan!"He begged,his voice beginning to shake.Stagnantly,my eyes went glazing at Erik who was about to kneel down to me.A low gasp escaped my mouth when I saw his eyes squirting out tears.

I hurriedly caught him before his knees could touch the floor,and gently yanked him up and pulled him into another hug,this time it was much tighter.Erik's head now resting in the croak of my neck as I caress this back.

"It's ok,Erik...I'm not angry at you.But please watch your words.I don't want you ever leaving me."I whispered in his ear,softly and with a small smile forming on my lips.

"What would I ever be without you in my life?I don't deserve you..."He raised his head and stared into my eyes.

"You may think that way but for me...I fucking deserve having you in my life,silly!"I joked,earning a chuckled from Erik.

"I love you,dummy!"He confessed.

"Well I love you infinity times you fucker.Now how about we head to my house,hm?I need to change out this outfit before people think that the hospital has caught on fire."

Naomi's POV

"Hey Naomi!What time is it?"Poppy whispered behind me.I kept on checking the time on my phone not knowing what time is mind was in another place,wondering when Nathan will come through that door.I get the fact that he's always late,but today...something was wrong.

Since yesterday Nathan hasn't been picking up my calls.I'm worried that something had happened to him...together with Erik...

I had stopped calling right after I woken up in the morning,now I'm waiting for him to call back...I hope that he does.

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