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It's currently 5 am. I stopped my work and looked around myself. The same old sight. Thinking Being the CEO might leave me with atleast a little time to rest clearly was a lie.

 Thinking Being the CEO might leave me with atleast a little time to rest clearly was a lie

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I sighed. Why did I even become like this. Addicted with work with no time for family.

And Just as I was thinking about my daughter, someone knocked my office's door.

"come in" I said, my tone unintentionally cold. I didn't meant it to come that way but its just a habit now. I then heard some little pitter patter before Daisy stepped in.

"Munchkin it's so early. Why are you awake?" I asked, glancing at my wrist watch.

"I wasn't sleepy dada"

I sighed. "Come here." I said and she came near my desk. I picked her up and made her lay down on my lap.

"munchkin, you wanna go out today?"

"with dada." And there's it. Again.

"I am sorry baby. You know dada has work right?"

 You know dada has work right?"

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"you always say that dada"

I sighed. I feel really sorry for her. I clearly failed as a father. I don't even know how to be one.

"ok, Lisa Unnie can go with you. You can also play with your brother Ron!"

"no! Not her! And he is not my bwother."

I never understand why she hates them. She can be a good mother figure for her and even her son calls me dada.

"Daisy. Ok so you want a babysitter?"

"Dada can't you cwome?"

"Sorry munchkin"


"I'll call Ye-jun then" She nodded, her expression emotionless as always as I felt a wave of guilt hitting me.

I picked her, and took her to her bedroom, laying her down on her bed after she fell asleep again.

"I am sorry Munchkin." i pecked her forehead and went back to my office room. These were those moments where I wished Aerum stayed with me. With Daisy.

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