Synopsis & Character Sketch

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Hello 🙋🙋🙋

This one is not my idea originally and I am writing #RiAnsh version with due permission. And with changes and twist according to my imagination too. Hope you will like it and it's short story having 10 parts max not more. Hope you all will love this too same as you have loved first one.

Here goes the synopsis

Though director have said cut but it is difficult for Riddhima to let go of her feelings which she too was feeling in real life along with character.

While Kabir is satisfied with shot they delivered and without thinking anything he just let go of Riddhima's hand and walk forward and their cable were tangled with each other because of that next moment Riddhima fell down and she screamed out of fear.

Though she knows that she is tied with safety cable but her fear overpowered and she started screaming with closed eyeson top of her voice and suddenly she felt some strong muscle embracing her and she opened her eyes only to found her self in hand of Vansh Rajsinghania director of her movie who is right now hero for her.

Character Sketch

Riddhima Kapoor: Successful youngest actress in love with her co-actor Kabir. Stubborn and kiddish by nature. Single parent child don't like her mother.

Kabir Khan: Successful actor but everyone give credit of his success to Riddhima. Son of former actor Asid Khan.

Vansh Rajsinghania: Most successful director. Loves to live normal life. Movie making is his side business.

Anupriya Kapoor: Riddhima's Mother she have tried her hand on acting but didn't get any success so now forcing her dream on her daughter. Most importantly money minded is perfect word to describe her nature.

Ishani Misha: Entertainment journalist but have certain intension and hate entertainment industry the most as she have lost her sister Siya because of it.

Dr. Angre: Psychiatrist nothing can make him turn disloyal towards his clients.

As of now I don't have any place for Aryan and Ragini but will bring them if required.

So that's it about synopsis and characters so do let me know whether to continue this story or not?

Do let me know hows the cover is? I have made it with help of my friends (actually she did it all I helped is sending to me at last 😁😁)

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