Chapter 21- Mr. Miller

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"I can't believe you were a guardian all this time! I had no idea!" I gasp.

"That's the point." She chuckles warmly.

Miss Zhao has just finished telling me the story of how she became the guardian. I felt sorry that she was so young when her father passed away. I also thought it was amazing that she immigrated to America and started a new life here all alone. She was only my age.

"So then if you've kept the miraculous hidden for so long, what made you want to give them away?" I ask.

"After I felt your presence here, I figured you would become New York's new superhero. You're only sixteen. I knew that it would be too much of a responsibility on your own, so I sent you some help." Miss Zhao smiles, looking proud of herself. "It turns out I chose the two right people for the job, as the three of you work very well together."

I think for a moment, feeling satisfied with that answer, but there was still one major question that loomed over my head, like a dark gray cloud in a clear sky. "How did the White Cat miraculous end up in Paris? In Marinette's bedroom of all places?" I ask, crossing my arms overtop my chest.

Miss Zhao sighs. "I don't think that it is your place to know of that."

"But it is my place! How am I supposed to be the holder of the White Cat miraculous if I don't even know how it ended up in my life? Wasn't I chosen for a reason?"

Miss Zhao looks down at her wrinkly old hands. "I-I was in Paris. I noticed a girl with blue pigtails and a gray jacket stepping out of a cab. Another girl stepped out behind her. One with (hc) hair and (ec) eyes. You. The white cat miraculous is incredibly strong. I knew I had grown too old to properly take care of it. If it somehow ended up in the wrong hands..." Miss Zhao shakes her head. " could be devastating. I knew that the White cat miraculous needed someone special to wield it. I can't explain how, but I felt a connection with you. It was as though the miraculous was telling me you were the one. I had Fawnna sneak the box into your friends room, for you to find. After seeing you fight as Alley Cat, I know for certain that you are the right girl for the job."

I touch the beads on my choker, and close my eyes. I look up at Miss Zhao and lightly smile. "Thankyou for trusting me. And for telling me the truth."

"O-of course dear." She softly replies.

I look down at my watch to see that's it's already 7:00. My dad will be getting up soon! "I have to get home before my family realizes that I snuck out of the house." I chuckle. "I'll plan a time to meet with Parakeet and Bandit to strategize." I say.

"Good. You be on your way. I'll be here if you ever need me." Miss Zhao smiles.

"Thankyou." I say. I wave at the woman before heading down the stairs. I walk into the back room to see Kitti and Fawnna sitting in a glass bowl of warm water, smiling contently. I open my mouth to say something, but then just close it because I don't know how to think of it. "Kitti? Uh, it's time to go."

"Awe come on! The waters so niiicccceee." She sighs. "Bye Fawnna!" She sadly says.

"Awww bye Kitti..."

I roll my eyes. "I promise you'll see each other again."

The two Kwami's happily cheer, as Kitti and I leave the back room.


I walk back into the apartment building, and begin walking up the stairs. On my way, I notice the old man from before walking out of his home to grab the morning newspaper. I smile and wave at him. He only scowls. "What are you doing out this early?" He asks.

"Uhh...I was getting some...fresh air!" I quickly say, not sure that he bought it.

He only raises an eyebrow at me and walks back inside. I let out a sigh and continue to walk up the stairs.


I'm sitting at the island eating a bowl of cereal and reading Wattpad, when mom walks in. She seemed to be deep in thought. "Is everything okay, mom?" I ask, looking up from my phone.

"Oh, well, yes. I was just thinking about Mr. Miller." She replies.

"Who's Mr. Miller?" Chris asks, walking into the kitchen, a pair of gaming headphones around his neck. It reminds me of Nino.

"Mr. Miller is the older man downstairs. His wife passed away last winter and now he doesn't have anyone to spend time with him during the Christmas holidays." Mom sadly says.

"How'd you know that?" Chris asks, once again reading my mind.

"I've ran into him a couple of times and got to know him a bit better. I know he seems like a crabby old man on the outside, but I think he's got a good soul on the inside."

I suddenly feel absolutely horrible. I've been judging some man when I didn't even know his whole story. I need to do something! I think to myself. I quickly take my last bite of cereal, and run to my bedroom to to text some people I think can help.

So what do you guys think? Any ideas?

You could sew him something

I don't know how to sew though...

Fair point

Why don't you make him a card? 💌💌You could add on tons of glitter!✨✨✨

I'm not sure some old guy would really be into glitter Rose

Aww man...😭😭😭

Why do you use so many emojis?

Because WHY NOT🤩🥸🤪🥺😄😝😏🤗😎😜😂🙂😘😋

Oh my gosh...

Focus ladies! (Yn), Does he celebrate Christmas?

Yeah! If he does you could get him a mini Christmas tree or something!

My mom actually mentioned that he used to celebrate Christmas with his wife

Well there's your answer! Bring him Christmas cheer!


And maybe make him some cookies! Or even invite him to dinner!

You could also bring him a smaller gift or something...

Those are great ideas you guys!

Of course they are. We came up with them


Thanks for the help girls! Ttyl! 😉


Bye (yn)!!! 😘😘


𝓛𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓛𝓲𝓮𝓼 (Chat Noir x Reader) -The Eye of the Black Cat Pt.2-Where stories live. Discover now