C.H.A.P.T.E.R 1

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I entered into the classroom as usual threw my bag on my bench and started thinking how I'm gonna survive this another day of school. I was tired as hell as I've slept only for 4 hours at night not because I was busy doing my assignments but because of this freaking Insomnia. Insomnia and Me are Happily Living from last 1 n half year and Now, I'm also became used to It. 

"Woahhh Woahhh Woahhh...!!! Look who is waiting for me Today" Olivia screamed with enthusiasm while entering into the classroom and watching me giving her a fake smile" "Just 6 More Hours to survive this tough day" I said while laying down my head on table.  MeanWhile, Olivia started searching for something in her bag My eyes captured someone..."Who Is He??? Ofc's he is in our classroom then he must be a new admission" I said to myself I didn't wanted to stare at him but there was something about him my eyes had captured, I wasn't able to resist my eyes from watching him continously...

"Look what I got for lunch today" Olivia Interrupted while showing me her lunhbox. "I'm literally not hungry Olivia, You have It" I said while keeping one of my eye on him. "You seems to be a bit different today" she asked me. "No Its not like that" I said while giving her a smile. "Damnn It...!!!" She screamed again. "What Happenened" I interrupted. "You are blushing Evans" (She always calls me with my Surname, I wonder sometime If she knew my first name tooo...!!!) She said while giving me a smirk. "Ohhh God...!!! Stop It Olivia, You have your lunch and..." I was completed my sentence in between our teacher entered into the classroom.

"Good Morning Sir" whole class greeted him by standing..."Good Morning Students, Sit Down" He said...He was busy finding his attendance register while I was trying to resist my eyes from staring him constantly with hell lot of questions in my mind. 

Teacher took attendance in Next 15 mins and told us to a take our physics books...MeanWhile, He stood up, walked to teacher's chair and said. "Sir, you didn't took my name while taking attendance." He said in a Calm Voice. "Are You New student???" Teacher asked "Yes Sir, Today is My First Day." He replied back gently. 

"What's Your Name???" Teacher asked while turning next page of his attendance register..."Stefan" He said with full confidence..."Stefan???" Teacher said in a questioning way while pointing his pen towards register. "Stefan Scott" He said while taking one of his hand out from his coat's pocket.

He was tall must be 5'9 or 6 and charming. His voice was as calm as Millpond. After registering his name he went back to his seat. He used to sit on 3rd Row's 1st Bench and I and Olivia used to sit on 1st Row's 2nd Bench.

I survived half of day the day somehow...It was recess and Everyone was going outside the classroom, some went to the canteen, some went to meet their friends in other sections.

"Let's go the canteen" Olivia said while grabbing my hand and trying to pull me out of my seat. "No, I don't wanna go" I said while opening the cap of my bottle. "You really don't wanna go???" she asked while taking that bottle from me and drinking a sip of water. "Yes, you go and enjoy...Let me take a bit rest coz Now I've to survive half more day here" I said while taking my bottle back and drinking a sip of water. "Fine then" she said while giving me a smile and went out of the classroom. 

Meanwhile My eyes started searching for that New Admission Guy...Stefan. He was sitting alone and was reading out some books...I judged him as a Silent Creep Bookworm with No Friends. After a while he also went out of the classroom and came back 5 mins after recess got over. I started wondering where that Bookworm was for the whole time, Althoug I don't think so He would be having any friends to meet in other sections or go to canteen with. 

It was our English class Now and Olivia took her books and went to 4th seat, She sat there and called me and told me to also sit with her there only instead of 2nd seat. "But Why???" I whispered from 2nd bench while looking back to her. "I'll tell you everything, just come and sit with me here" She said by whispering back. 

In Next 5 mins I was sitting with Olivia and teacher also came, she was giving us some question/answers to write while Me and Olivia were busy talking to each other.

"Actually, I've to tell you something..." She said in a panicking voice..."Okay Say???" I said while getting a bit worried..."Promise Me you not gonna react Right Now and Not gonna tell anyone about this...!!!" she said while holding one of my hand...Her hands were cold, as cold as ice.

"Fine, I promise I won't react, and I'm your BestFriend...Ofc's I won't tell anyone about this." I said in a calm voice while giving her comfort. "I need time, I'll tell you after this class will get over." She said while looking towards the book and taking deep breathes. "Okay, Take your time...Tell me when you are ready, But Just Tell me that, What Its about???" I asked her in a serious way...She looked at me first then pointed towards that Bookworm, Stefan"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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