Chapter 2

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"Hello class. My name is Mr. Mahoney, and I'll be teaching chemistry to you guys this year. Don't disrupt my class, and we'll all be good. Free period today."

I'm sitting in my seat at the back of the class, hiding my face by laying it down with my arms. I'm still replaying that incident that just happened a few minutes earlier.


Jake and I stare for a good 10 seconds. Seconds may be really quick, but in this case it's as long as a year.

He is hot, muy guapo. He was always good looking but England changed him for the better. His hair is in a quiff, and even his pale skin turns me on.

Stop Lucy. You're over him, he's over you. GOD DAMN HORMONES.

"You done checking me out yet?"

A smirk forms in his lips, and I wanted to smack him right there.  England may have changed his good looks, but it never changed his rude ass attitude.


Suddenly the bell rings, starting first period. I immediately stand up, and rush to my chemistry class. I didn't look back once.


"Are you even alive?" Mary-Ann questions as she motions her hand in front of my face.

"Sorry I just zoned out."

Mary-Ann gives me a sympathic nod, and I think that she thinks I was zoning out about Ben. Oh, if only she knew. 


I was bewildered by Mary-Ann's sudden happiness about this. During the almost four years they've dated, Luke always took her on a date. Cheesecake Factory isn't anything special. 

"Um Mary-Ann, why are you so happy about it now instead of four years ago?"

"Umm, because Cheesecake Factory is where Luke took us ON OUR VERY FIRST DATE. Get your mind on already!"

Everybody stared at us after she explained herself to me. Good going, Mary-Ann! I mean, everybody must be really interested about your sudden outburst on Cheesecake Factory!

If you dumb idiots didn't know, I was using sarcasm.

Mary-Ann snapped her fingers to everybody in the class. "Scram you weaklings! I don't need everybody knowing about my special Cheesecake Factory date with mi amor!"

I palmed my face. Was I drunk when I became friends with her? She must have spiked my apple juice with vodka when we first met in kindergarten on the monkey bars. 

She then continues to babble on. "So like I was saying, he's gonna pick me up at around 7:30. I'm just so excited Lucy! I mean, everytime he smiles at me, and tells us we're gonna go on a date, I just fall in love with him. Everytime. I love him so much, and I think that's why I turned from this moodly asswipe to a cheery one. It's funny how much Luke could just change me like that! I mean, you could have a love like that too! If it wasn't for---"

"Shut it." I growl. I repeat, I GROWLED.

What the fuck happened to me?

"Chill! I'm sorry, okay?" Mary-Ann puts her hands up, with fear shown in her eyes.

I'm so crazy, I actually scared my life-long best friend.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came on me, just don't even talk about him ok? We can talk about Jake, but not him. Please." 

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