Chapter 3: Garden visit & the dinner

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River's POV:

I woke up to the bright sunlight beaming into my eyes as I slowly woke up and I right away noticed that I had fallen asleep with a book in my hand. I then placed the book on the side desk and slowly got out of bed. After stretching & letting out a yawn I noticed that there was some clothes on the edge of the bed with a letter that was placed right on top!

I picked up the letter seeing it was from Seductive Rose.

'Dear River,

Here are some new clothes. You can look around the hideout and the gardens that are outside. I'll get you when lunch is ready.

From; Seductive Rose'

I looked at the outfit & smiled as I went and got changed into them! As I was getting dressed I was thinking of where to explore first since my memory was still very fuzzy!

River: I guess I can go look at the garden.

I grabbed the book from the side desk and then started to walk towards the door excited to finally leave the room after everything that went down! While walking through the halls I found myself distracted but the art & designs!

-after walking for a bit-

After walking for a bit I entered the garden and found a bench to sit at as I read the book. After reading for a while I heard someone walking up behind me. As I looked up to see Seductive Rose had walked up to join me in the garden.

I could see he had something to say so I put the bookmark in the book to save where I was stopping & placed it down in my lap turning to face him.

S. Rose: I'm here to say lunch is ready.

River: Oh um.. ok!

I let a smile appear on my face as I got up to follow Seductive Rose to the dinner hall.

-in the dining hall-

S. Rose's POV:

River was behind me, so I had to keep the innocent act up so he couldn't figure out that I was acting & was lying which was getting a bit harder as River kept asking about more details of his 'attack'.

S. Rose: Here ya go River you can sit here!

I moved the chair next to mine back for River to sit.

River: Thank you Rose!

I smiled as sweetly as I could as he sat down on the chair and moved closer to the table. I went to take my seat next to him at the head of the table as food appeared for us to eat. As lunch went on I listened to River talk about his book more & how he liked the details of the walls & painting! I could tell in his eyes he was about to ask me something & let out a silent sigh.

River: So... If I may ask? What exactly happened when I was attacked?!

I looked at him, our eyes meeting once again as I was coming up with a good lie to tell him!

S. Rose: Well, you were in the forest getting new flowers for the gardens as you said you wanted more variety. And it had started to get late so I was starting to get worried so I went to go find you. By the time I did find you some of the campers from that camp Oasis had attacked, knocking you unconscious so, I picked you up bringing you back here.

I could tell he knew something was up but it seemed he was thinking more about this information that I had just told him. River finally let out a sigh and looked back up at me before speaking.

River: Thank you for saving me then!

In my mind I couldn't help but it felt like I was slowly winning but just because he right now believes me doesn't mean I should let down my guard just yet.

S. Rose: No problem, River! Anything for a friend right?

I noticed a small blush on his face after I called him a 'friend' hmmm interesting...

S. Rose: Let's finish lunch, just enjoy the day shall we River?

River: R-right.. 

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