Brian May

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I stood at the bus stop in London the rain poured down on me hard. I shivered and someone stood close next to me with an umbrella.
"You know the next trolly won't be here until the morning?" He asked
"Lovely," I said. He put a jacket over my shoulder and gave me the umbrella.
"Stay warm," he said walking away
"Thank you!" I called out.
"You're welcome!"
At around 11 I decided to just make the long walk back to my flat in the rain. I got home at almost 2:30 and my feet were soaking wet and I was freezing.
I pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and furrowed my eyebrows
You looked cold, xxxxxxxxx give me a call sometime
-Brian M <3
I smiled and dialed his number.
"Hello?" He asked.
"Is this Brian M?"
"Yes who's this?"
"My name's Y/N you gave me your coat and umbrella at the trolly station last night, I got your note,"
"Oh, hi, sorry, that was the only way I could think to talk to you, I'm not very good at it," he said with a hint of awkwardness
"I understand, I'm not very good at talking either," I said. "Uhm, I'd love to give you your coat back over a cup of tea if you're interested," I said biting my lip.
"I'd love to, are you doing anything at noon?" He asked.
"No, I'm free," I said
"Would you like to meet at Oliveanders for tea?" He asked
"I'd love too,"
"Wonderful, I'll see you then,"
"Perfect, bye," I said with a smile.
I did light makeup and brushed out my hair. I got to Olivanders and saw the curly haired man from the other night.
"Hello," he said pulling my chair out for me.
"Hi, it's lovely to actually meet you," I said
"You too, I saw you at the trolly station while waiting for my bandmate and I wanted to start a conversation I just didn't know how," he said. I smiled and he smiled back.
"Well I'm glad that you left the note, you seem very sweet, now you're in a band?"
"Yeah, we're called Smile," he said
"Oh no way, you're the guitarist," I said
"I saw you guys preform at that small pub in Ashwell last week, you were lovely. Your lead singer seems like a bit of a prick,"
"He's cocky but he's nice," Brian said
"Well good, he just rubbed me the wrong way," I said
"Yeah he often does that," Brian said
"May I take your order?" The Barista asked. We both ordered tea and she walked away.
"So what are some of your interests?" I asked him
"Uhm music, and astrophysics," he said
"Wow, that's quite the range of interest," I said
"I know, what about you?" He asked
"I love to write, I sing in a small band, and I adore animals," I said
"You sing?" He asked
"Yeah, we're a small band based in Ashwell which is why I saw your band preform last week,"
"Do you live in Ashwell?" He asked
"Oh no, I live in a small suburb of London," I said. He nodded and I smiled.
"So astrophysics, what made you interested in that?" I asked
"I'm not sure, it just peaked my interest," he said
"That's cool,"
"Yeah. Does your band have any concerts coming up?" He asked
"Yes, tomorrow night in Ashwell, at Johns Pub," I said
"What time?"
"7:00 pm," I said
"I'll be there," he said. I smiled and took a sip of my tea.

I put my pleather pants and heels on and walked out of the closet they had me change in.
"Ready?" Rebecca asked
"Ladies and gentlemen thank you, don't forget to tip the band," I said. I walked off stage and found Brian.
"What'd you think?" I asked putting my sweater on.
"Your voice is beautiful," he said.
"Thank you!" I said
"Do you want to go to London? Go grab something to eat?" He asked
"I'd love to, let me go help pack up the instruments," I said. He nodded and I ran up to the stage.
"Ready?" I asked stepping off the stage.
"Ready," he said. I smiled and followed him out. We got into his car and he drove us to London. We got a takeout dinner and went to the park.
"Your voice is very lovely," he said to me
"Thank you. It feels like we're not going anywhere though," I said.
"I strongly believe you guys will become very popular," he said. I smiled and he smiled back
"You're too sweet," I said to him.
"You are too," he said.

Brian walked me to my door and I looked up at him.
"Thank you for a lovely night," I said.
"I'd love to do it again, sometime soon," he said
"Me too," I said. I got in my tiptoes and placed a kiss on his cheek. "Goodnight Brian"
"Goodnight," he said. I went inside and bit my lip. He was a very sweet guy and I was developing a bit of a crush on him.
I woke up to my phone ringing and I groaned.
"Hello?" I asked sleepily
"Did I wake you up?"Brian asked
"Oh no, I've been up for a little while," I lied rubbing the sleep from my eyes.
"How's the record coming?"
"Oh god, I don't even want to talk about it" I said sitting up. "How about you guys?" I asked.
"It's going pretty well, Roger almost threw the coffee maker at us,"
"Well good, at the rate this is going I'm going to be a solo artist by the end of the week," I said
"That bad huh?" He asked
"Yes," I said
"Well we should plan to get dinner when you get back," Brian said
"I'd love too," I said.

The bus dropped me at my house and I dragged myself inside. I threw myself to my bed and started crying.
"Lex?" I heard Brian ask
"I'm in my room!" I shouted lifting my head up.
"What's the matter?" He asked sitting on the edge of the bed. I sat up and sat indian style.
"All of my band members quit, and Ray was expecting an album from a band not a solo album so now he's pissed off and won't even listen to the album that I recorded. Everything was great until it wasn't. It's like we were on a platform on our way up and the floor beneath us opened," I said
"Come here," he said opening his arms for a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and he let me cry.
"Lexi we'll make it work out," Brian said "What if Deacon, Roger and I be your fill in band?"
"No you guys just got your record deal, I don't want to stress everyone out with my burdens, I'm going to go see if I can't get my job back at the pub and I guess I'll figure it out from there," I said
"Do you want to go get something to eat?" He asked me.
"No, I honestly feel quite sick and kind of just want to stay home," I said.
"Can I stay with you?" He asked.
"That would be lovely," I said. He smiled and I smiled back.

"You know what, I'm going to go talk to him, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind," I said to Brian
"Do you want a ride?" He asked
"Yes please," I said.
I walked into the studio and stormed to Rays office,
"You know what Ray, I think it's absolute crap that you won't listen to the album I wrote! I am just as capable as writing an album as those idiots were! And I think you just won't listen to it because I'm a woman-"
"Stop, I listened to it," he said.
"Oh, well what did you think?" I asked awkwardly crossing my arms.
"I really enjoyed it, would you care to sit down and go over it with me?" He asked
"I uh have someone in the waiting room,"
"Well then have them come in and listen too," Ray said.
"Brian, want to come listen to my album?" I asked
"Love too," he said.
"It's beautiful it's raw, it's more than your ex band mates could ever give me," Ray said.
"So you like it?"
"Like it? That's an understatement, if I could marry an album it would be this one," he said. I smiled and grabbed Brian's hand.
"I'll work on getting you new bandmates, you're going to do great things," he said. I smiled and nodded
"Thank you," I said.
Brian and I got outside and I gave him a hug.
"Y/N can I tell you something?" He asked
"Of course," I said
"Out of everything I have in my life, you mean the most to me," he said.
"What are you saying?"
"I love you," he said. I smiled and gave him a kiss.
"I love you too," I said.

Brian was on tour in America and I found myself growing more and more bored without him.
I got in the car and made my way to the shelter. I adopted a puppy who was missing an eye. We got home and the phone started ringing.
"Hello?" I asked
"Hey sweetheart!" Brian said
"Hi love, I did something that you might be mad about," I said
"Okay, what'd you do?" He asked
"I adopted a puppy," I said
"Boy or girl?" He asked
"A boy, his name is Sinatra. He's missing an eye but he is an absolute love bug," I said
"Oh man, I can't wait to meet him tomorrow," Brian said.
"Yeah, we found an early flight home," he said
"That's magnificent!" I said.
"I know, I can't wait to see you, I miss you!" I said excitedly
"I can't wait to see you. I want to harrass you with love," he said dramatically.
"I want you to harrass me with kisses," I said.
"Alright I've got to go pack up my stuff, I got you a present," he said
"That's funny, I got you a present also," I said.
"I love you, I'll see you tomorrow,"
"Love you too, bye," I said. We hung up and the puppy howled at Newton.
"Sinatra be nice to Newton," I said sitting on the floor of the living room. Newton jumped into my lap and cowered from the puppy.
"Is my big strong dog scared of that tiny little puppy?" I asked rubbing his ears. He licked my cheek and Sinatra nipped at him.
"Hey be nice," I said. I was laying on the couch and Newton laid on my stomach while Sinatra curled up next to him. I took a picture with my Polaroid and set it on the table.
"Honey I'm home!" Brian called out. The dogs barked and I furrowed my eyebrows.
"I thought you said tomorrow?" I asked giving him a kiss.
"Did I say tomorrow? I meant tonight," he said. He picked up Sinatra and Newton headbutted his leg. He put Sinatra down and threw me over his shoulder.
"Newton take care of the little one, we'll be out in a bit," Brian said. I chuckled and he closed the bedroom door. He laid me on the bed and we made out. He unbuttoned my pants and I bit his lip.
Brian and I laid together tangled in the sheets and he placed lazy kisses on my temple.
"Do you want your present?" I asked once we finally got dressed.
"Yes, do you want yours?" He asked
"Sure let me grab yours," I said walking to the closet. I grabbed the guitar and when I turned around he was on his knee with a small velvet box.
"Y/N, I am so madly in love with, I can't picture my future without you, so will you marry me?" He asked.
"Brian- yes of course," I said. He slipped the ring on my finger and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I love you so much,"
"I love you too," he said giving me a kiss.
"Here," I said handing him the guitar case. He set it on the bed and I opened the door. He opened it and his eyes widened.
"It's beautiful," he said. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

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