BC.coVEr- A- A g a i n-

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SO y'kNOw hOw I diD a BC.CoVer thAt oNe tIMe?- Yeah- I r e m a d e i t- CUZ the fiRst one didn't excactly fit where the story line, personality and plot was goin' an ze moMEnt- Also- A L S O- THANK YOU GUYSSSSS SO MUCH FOR 1KKKKK IT M E A N S ALot tO mEEEEe! UnfoRtunAtEly I have been v e r y l a z y thESe dAys and I haven't been able to get much d o n e- But mAybE i'll- Maybe o n e d a y i'll mAkE a new bOOk? AHAH- JUsT mAyBe thOuGh- Can't guarantee- But s t i l l, ♥ loVe you gUys- ( ˘ ³˘)♥

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