Ljósálfar (Chapter 1)

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Ljósálfar (Light elf city)

"We can only hold them off for so long" A low deep voice chided in the royal hall of Ljósálfar. "we only have so much resources left" a more feminine voice chided as a different grumble make voice spoke as well. "This war has lasted longer than anticipated M'Lord-" He paused before continuing. "A Mellenium long war was more than we were expecting"

Adrelieah pushed her long pointed pierced ear against the large white crystal doors of the royal hall. The voices were muffled and hushed but being a elf had... perks. Finally the voices continued but her father; The light elf king stayed silent and patient for his advisors to speak. "Our spies can confirm Atreus's death. His first born son Vitonreik" Finally Vanir grunted humming, Everyone silenced waiting for their king to speak.

"Now that we have confirmed Vitonreik is now being crowned the Dark king we will send a letter of proposal" His voice was deep yet soothing like he was holding your hand and guiding your way. The same female voice Andreleah heard earlier eagerly agreed. "Which daughter would you propose?" Andre felt shivers on the nape of her neck before it working it's way down her spine.

This meeting was getting weird. Vanir cleared his throat. "I have four elegable daughters around his age he may decide whom to choose from for his bride and start a peace tready." The first male voice she heard in the beginning of her snooping added. "My king. May the new dark elf heir agree to a proposal of tready" Vanir cackled at this.

His laugh was loud and gentle like a melody. "Vitonreik will agree. We have land he could utilise and expand on" Vinir was now waging land and one of his daughters on a treaty that hasn't happened in the last century of the dark war. Addie was six hundred and twenty two and currently out of bounds on dating. The dark war started the better part of three hundred years before she was even born. Adrelieah was the third eldest of Vinir's princess daughters.

Vinir's first eldest daughter Imeila was a little older than the dark war and married to the war general of the kings Kron; They had twelve annoying demon spawn children.- How her sister could pop out so many baffled her. Sure elves have naturally large family's but it had only been half a century since Imeila and Kron mated.

Her second eldest sister Madreila was seven hundred So Addie was the second candidate along with her two twin younger sisters who were five hundred years. Ezrela and Emmelfein

Elves lived a very long time. No they are not immortal just very slow at aging. Being in Alfeim only slowed the aging process even more; The elven world getting shut off to the paranormal bridges when the war broke out among the elven realm.

Hearing her fill of what was to come of her and her other sisters Adrelieah swiftly turned on her feet. She needed to search for her sisters. This was outrageous. How could her father even think of marrying one of them off to the new dark elf king? The dark elf's were way more animalistic than the light elves.

Adre shook her head. Her feet steplung on the sheer marble flooring of the castle the floors illuminated with a gentle silver glow. Adre made her way to the dining hall where all of her sisters and brothers were eating. The queen her mother was sitting in her chair with a relaxed expression. "Adreleiah you are late my Dear; Come Sit and eat" Her mothers slender pale hand extended to a chair letting Adre know she had no choice but to obey her mother.

Her eyes stayed glued to her mother as she sat down to the right of the twins and the left of her second elder sister. "I apologize I am late mother, Is there something important you need to tell us?" She asked challenging her mother seeing if she will speak up about the kings plans.

Her mothers cherry red lips pierced together as she stayed silent. Uh ou could tell she was contemplating how to tell her children what the king had in mind. Finally the sweet gentle melodic voice of their mother spoke. "So perspective my Adre is, Perhaps my daughter would like to tell me what she overhear snooping on her father when she was told not to" Her mothers thin eyebrow raised in her own challenging manner.

It was Adres turn to contemplate what to say. Her mother had pinpointed exactly where she was and why she was late to breakfast. She could tell she had made it easy for her mother due to her curiosity. Adrelieah bowed her head in an apologetic manner. Before she could try and make up excuses her mother licked her tongue her silver eyes pulling away from Adre.

"Well never mind your disobedience it is time you guys know anyways." Her mother paused clasping her thin slender pale as ice hands together. "We have gotten word Vinir the king of dark elves had passed a month ago. His son Vitonreik had his coronation a week ago.." Silvi paused before sighing. "He is unmated.. It has been a millennium since Alfeim has known peace between the two species of our kind... Mine and your fathers wish is to offer a treaty of marriage and land for them to farm and live on if they so wish. To many elves on both sides have suffered; We want peace"

Silva's elbows were propped on the table with her hands clasped together against her cherry lips, her silver eyes scanned her daughters for reaction.

Ezrela the older twin finally chided in. "And who are the candidates for this King? Mother I'll do it" At that her mother clicked her tongue in disapproval. "My darling child. You will be a candidate but so is Emmelfein, Madreia and Adrelieah. He will be able to choose his mate"

All of the children stayed silent as they soaked in their new destiny. Ezrela had always asked Father to marry her to a prince and not so royal official. Her younger sister always felt Entitled. Adre was happy to let Ezrela become the mate of Vitonreik. Of course she loves her sister and didnt want any harm to come to her but better Ezra then her right? There were three candidates beside herself so all she had to do was blend in and not catch his eye.

(Unedited. Please dont be too harsh; Enjoy the read!)

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