Tension (chapter 4)

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It was the fifth day after the proposal letter came back with a acceptance letter. Tension was high in Ljósálfar. It had been a millennium since any dark elves came toward the light elf city; It was natural for everyone to be a little tense. The king could only hope this goes smooth. Adrelieah had still not spoken much to her father. He was sad about it but he knew his precious daughter was obedient and would marry to the Dark elves king. He could only hope she was as strong as he assumed her to be.

Adrelieah was still asleep in her bed. The silver translucent sheets flew around her bed as the gentle wind came in through the window. She hadn't slept much last night thanks to nerves so she was trying to sleep in. After a couple minutes of trying to fall back asleep she could hear rumbling. Loud and slow marching meaning thousands of elfs were on their way to the light city. Adres soft silvery eyes shot open as she felt her heartbeat suddenly increase.

As if to confirm her fears she heard feet running around in the castle bustling that the dark elfs were here. Adre looked out the window of her extravagant room to see a large amount of dark elves marching their way toward Ljósálfar. She knew he was here for her but him bringing thousands of warriors? It was a little intimidating to say the least. Finally a rushed knocks came at her door as the maids yelled.

"Princess please allow us to come in and accompany you to get ready" Adre could tell who it was. It was the head wet nurse, Someome who helped bring her up while her parents were away on business. Adre turned; Her slender but plump body made it's way to the door as she begrudgingly opened it."Meirium I'm scared" Adre choked out in a whisper as she saw Meirium give her a soothing gentle smile.

"Oh my Adre.." the mossy green eyes bored into Adrelieah as she pulled her into a hug. "You will be the strongest queen who United the two races of elves. There Is nothing to be scared of my child" Adre felt Meiriums hand brush through her hair as she took in her cinnamon apple scent as she inhaled deeply. Meirium was the only one who brought her such comfort. She was always on her side.

Adrelieah had finally calmed down and allowed the maids to get her ready. She took her bath and got into a fresh skin tight silver dress. The bottom portion of the dress flowing out like a water fountain. "Come child your father Is waiting to send you off"

Adre bit her lip as she nodded taking in a deep breath. Going down to the foyer of Ljósálfar she met with her mother and father and siblings. They all had a look if sympathy but where was this when she tried to get out of this arrangement? Adre smiled gently blowing the remaining air out of her mouth. She couldn't afford to be angry right now who knew when she would happen to see her family again.

Vinir had a solemn look on his face before he gently smiled at his daughter. "Your going to be a great bride my baby girl." He said gently before ruffling his fingers through her hair. Adre looked up and finally smiled at him for the first time since she found out she was the one being chosen. "I will miss you father" she said gently before taking his hand. Once they walked out of the castle. Eight carriages were readied. Before adre could ask the king responded. "I offered Vitonreik to come and relax for a few days before your journey back but he refused." Vinir paused before continuing. "He is waiting a mile from the border for you to meet him so you will bring warriors with you.

Adre nodded gently. Her father really did want to make sure she was safe. It made her smile knowing her father was telling the truth. He was going this because he had no other choice not because he wanted power or just because. Adre thanked her father and gave him one last large hug. Right before entering the carriage she had heard her best friend Ameira. "I couldn't let you go alone. Espeshally after our conversation last night" Her friend was there for a goodbye party but she ended up crying in her shoulders for a few hours.

"Ameira; Are you sure? Your a royalty member of Ljósálfar. My dad's right hand mans daughter. Are you sure you want to come with me to a foreign country. Seeing her friend shrug and make her way into the carriage a few guards following behind them putting her luggage in the carriage. "I cant let you go completely alone" Meira had a large tooth grin on her face making the corner of Adre's plump lips turn into a slight smile.

The ride passed the border wasnt to bad it was around a fifteen minute ride to meet up with the Dark Elf King. Finally the horses haunted. Bother the females in the carriage glanced to eachother nerves evident on both of their eyes. The door to the carriage was opened by one of the warriors that came from Ljósálfar. Her father had sent roughly 20 warriors with her. Enough to defend her and get her back in the carriage to go back to Ljósálfar if anything happened.

The petite princess stepped out as did her friend their eyes sweeping the scene in front of her. There were fires going and stew but there was no tents being set up which ment they weren't planning on lingering here. After a second her eyes landed on a elf. He was tall around 6'6 she figured, Toned like a green god with light armor protection on him.

Adre's eyes glanced up to see the black crown sting subtly on his head. Her eyes widened for a second before she cleared her throat hoping he wouldnt catch on to her surprise. She figured he would be terrifying looking and even possibly monstrous. She couldn't believe her eyes seeing he was actually very handsome.

His hair was long and ash looking. His eyes a piercing blood red. His eyes were so strong and alluring she felt like he was eating her up with just his stare.

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