Repeated Method

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This method is really simple as well! But, it might be very hard for people who don't like writing as much. This method requires hand strength. No, it's not for negative purposes so don't think like that. Anyways, time to tell you how to use this manifesting method.

1- get a piece of paper and something to write with

2- repeatedly write what you want to manifest but use an affirmation. Here's an example: I know that I'll start dating Jane Doe/John Doe.

3- write this about 100 times

4- spray any type of spray that you always use then spray it in the middle of your writing

5- wait to start seeing angel numbers

Okay, I know that not many of you will like this method because it involves writing but give it a try it may be worth it. Angel numbers are mentioned again here because they're a really big part of manifesting. They're actually a really big part of anything almost. Just remember, when you see angel numbers somethings coming your way.

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