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3rd person's POV

They had all actually started to fit in they made a few friends with someone royals some of them still made mad hurtful comments though

But one day he was on a walk when he heard Olivia is older brother Noah speak to his friends

"Too bad he doesn't have wings we could take and get a whole kingdom out of"

Wings were an extremely sensitive topic to every fairy

He ran he didn't know were he was anymore but he was by a forest

He thought he was alone so he didn't hold back the tears and started crying

"Hey are you okay"

He looked behind him and saw Yangyang as he was about to answer he yelled in pain

When he gets to emotional the pain starts were his wings should be that is

"Renjun what wrong how can I help"

He heard the one person he didn't want to hear in his head

"Renjun son why can I feel your pain"

"Leave me alone mother"

"You are my son I demanded to know"

"Mother leave I don't want to talk to you"

Yangyang looked around confused he heard no one but Renjun talking yet Renjun claimed that Maleficent his mother was talking to him

"Have you made a plan yet so we could take over"

"I don't want to be like you I want to be normal"

"Your so naive you don't think anyone actually cares about you there in that school"

"Well it's not like you cared anyway"

"I feed and nursed you your entire life"

"No you didn't why do you think I never call you mom huh because you aren't you hate me and cursed me lie to me all you want but fairy biology doesn't work like that there was a chance I could grow wings and not live with this pain but you knew that then you wouldn't be able to get into my mind and you also knew I would be weak and listen to what you had to say so you cursed me didn't you to never grow them"

"Renjun son"



"You cursed your own son to have pain for the rest of his life now leave get out of my head"

He didn't hear his mother anymore so he knew she was gone for now

"Renjun what just happened are you okay where does it hurt"

"I know your only acting like you care don't worry I won't tell anyone the future king is rude-"

He was cut off by himself crying in pain

"Can I see were it hurts I have the fairy godmother is enchanted rose water it helps calm the pain"

"This is so embarrassing I have to get shirtless for a guy I barely know"

"Well unless you want to sit here and cry in pain I suggest you push the embarrassment aside"

"Okay fine Mr. Smartass"

He slow unbutton his shirt and slipped it down to were is was around his lower back

Yangyang now understood why it would be painful it looked painful after all it looked like two huge cracks into his skin

"Can I..."

"You can light touch the wounds not to much pressure"

Yangyang slowly ran his hand across the edge of of one of the wounds he then snapped out of it when he realized how weird he was being he took the rose water and careful placed a few drops onto them

Renjun had seemed calm down a little

"Does it feel better"

"It's does thanks"

"Listen I don't want you to think I really don't care because it was my idea to bring you all here so it's kinda my fault you feel so bad"

"It's fine I'm just overreacting"

"Renjun I heard what the said to you are not overreacting"

"Yangyang no one has ever seen me cry but you not Jaemin, not Jisung, not Haechan only you why do think that is because villain kids like us never get a happy ending without sacrificing something so I have chosen to be the one who doesn't get a happy ending to make sure they do because they are the only family I have"

"It doesn't have to be like that you shouldn't have to give your happiness up for other people Renjun"

"I can't risk living to much unlike you I have simple things help Haechan get with that dwarf boy he likes help Jaemin realize that he does have feelings for the son of Cinderella Jeno and that it's fine and lastly help Jisung over come his fear of dogs if I live for myself I'll get distracted and not get any of those done"

"So you help them all and no one helps you back in return"


"That's messed up as fuck"

"When you come from were I come from you learn to not put too much hope in people"

"You know what by your logic since I'm not a villain kid I'll have a happy ending no matter what so you can look to me for help with out risking anything because it wouldn't change the out come right"

"Well I umm-"

"I forced you to come here at least let me be there for you"

"Fine but only because that rose water you have is helpful and if I keep my pain at a minimum then my mother can't get into my head"

"Out of curiosity what would happen if she got in"

"She could use me as her puppet "

"Wait really"

"Yes I can no longer be in control"

"Okay please tell me if she is ever trying to take over I trust you but not your mother sorry"

"I completely understand I wouldn't trust her too if I was being honestly"

"Here is my number okay I have to go attend one of my father is kingly meetings so I can start seeing the dos and donts in my dad's words"

"Sounds boring I'll pray you make it out with a sense of humor to spare"

"Thank you I'll need it


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