Do i love him?

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(mikes pov)
"Ugh! i still don't have a date to the dance!" i think to myself while eating my cereal at breakfast. "It's only 2 days away, and i can't go alone, i just can't. I need to ask someone asap. But i don't know how... Ugh, why does everything have to be so difficult."
"Hey do you ask someone out to the dance?" i ask.
"Hmmm, well son, all you have to do is find someone you're really interested in, and well just, ask them."
"But I don't have anyone in particular that i'm interested in...What do it do then?" I ask. The truth is, i haven't really thought about it yet, if i'm interested in anyone. there's this one girl who I couldn't get off my mind for a while, then we kissed, but i didn't enjoy the kiss at all. No sparks or anything... I guess she just wasn't my type?
"Well, i guess, just find someone to be interested in!" Dad said.
"Great advice dad. Thanks." i think to myself sarcastically.
       "H- How do i know i'm interested in someone then?"
        "Well, I guess you'll feel nervous around them, and if you really like them, you won't stop thinking about them. And you'll just, know, son." Dad tells me.
"Ok." I tell him. "I guess I'll try..."
"Good luck son."
"Thanks dad." i get up to put my now finished bowl of cereal in the sink. "Ok, Simple. Just need to find that special person before the dance. Easy. I can do that." i think to myself.
"Bye everyone." I say. "I'm off to school." "Bye micheal!" mom says. "Have a good day! I love you."
"Love you too."

When i arrive at school, I'm greeted by my best friend, Will byers. He has soft brown hair, He's quite short, And he has the nicest hazel eyes ever. I mean, You could stare into them for hours and not look away. He's quite beautiful actually- "Mike, what are you saying your not gay..." i think to myself. What just happened-
"Hey mike!" will says.
"Oh, H-hey will..." I say nervously. Why the hell am i so nervous? I see him everyday- This has never happened before..."
"So, The dance is in a few days...You find a date yet?" He asks.
"Oh ya- I- I mean no, I don't know why i said ya" i say, laughing awkwardly. Mike what's going on with you? SNAP OUT OF IT!
"Ya, me neither." Will says, sounding disappointed.
"I'm sure You'll find one soon, Will." I start. "You're pretty cute-" OH SHIT! WHAT THE HELL! WHY DID I JUST SAY THAT!
"I- i am?" Will blushes instantly. He looks flattered.
"Uhh, ya..." i say, embarrassed "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that... I don't know why i did."
"No, no, Don't apologize mikey, i'm flattered." he's still blushing.
"Mikey." i say. "I like that name, keep calling me that, will you." i can't help but smirk when i'm saying this.
Will opens his mouth to say something, But something, or should i say someone, interrupts.
"Hey Fags, stop fucking flirting, It's making me sick!" It's troy. The biggest bully at our school.
My face burns with embarrassment. "We, We aren't flirting, Douche bag. we're talking. Ever head of that? Oh wait, I just remembered, you have no friends." I say with confidence.
"I look behind me and see will let out a small giggle. For some reason, it makes me feel good.
Troy just rolls his eyes and walks away. i guess He's not used to being clapped back at.
       "Good one." Will chuckles. "Sorry about Troy By the way.
        "Will." i say. "Why are you apologizing? Troy said all that, not you."
       "Ya, i guess you're right."
We just stand there in an awkward silence for about 20 seconds when I say, "Hey Will, since neither of us have dates to the dance, Maybe we should, you know, go together." Oh my god- D-Did i really just say that-?
      "Oh um..." will starts
"As friends of course!" I say quickly
       "Oh, i was just about to say that's a great idea!"
   "Cool!" i say. "Well i gotta get to class um, see ya!"
         "Bye!" will smiles and walks off.
"Oh my god... did i- did i just ask will to the dance..." i think to myself. "I just need to get to class.

       During class, i can't concentrate on any of my work, because i'm thinking about what happened this morning. I keep replaying it in my mind like a video tape. "I felt so nervous around Will, which has never happened before. And- And i couldn't stop looking at his beautiful hazel eyes and his- His soft pink lips..." i think to myself. Then i remember what dad said-
        'you'll feel nervous around them, and if you
        really like them, you won't stop thinking of
"Am i, am i in love with will byers..." i say, accidentally out loud, but thankfully, no one heard me.
    My thoughts are interrupted by the loud ring of the Last bell of the day. Finally. I just need to go home and think about this more. Maybe i should talk to someone, but who...? I don't think anyone would understand. Then it hit me. "Robin Buckley, of course!" I think aloud. She and steve work at the video store, so all i have to do is go over there and ask to talk to her. I guess you would call me and her friends. We talk a lot whenever we bump into each other, and she's actually really cool.
      As i ride my bike over to 'Family Video', i think about what i'm going to ask her. Maybe, 'How did you know you were gay?' or 'I think i like my best friend will...what do i do?'
When i get to the video store, i see robin at the counter. When she sees me, she smiles and waves and says,   
"hey dingus, Here for another starwars?"
         "actually," i say, "I'm here to talk to you."
"Oh," robin says, confused but intrigued, "well kind sir, what can i help you with?"
   "Um," i start. i look around to make sure no ones around and then say, "How did you know you were, you know, attracted to girls...?"
   Robin looks at me shocked. "Dingus, are you saying what i think you're saying?" She asks.
     "Ya, i guess..." i say.
" Well," she says, smiling. "I guess i just knew."
       "Oh. Because today, i realized that i' love with Will..."
     "Byers!" Robin says. "Isn't he your best friend?!"
  "Ya...and i kind of...asked him to the dance, and he said yes..."
"Well!" robin says. "That's great!"
"You didn't let me finish..." i start. "I got nervous so i said that we were going as friends..."
"Oh, Well then, go for it!" robin says enthusiastically. "At the dance, tell him how you really feel. I've seen the way that kid looks at you dingus, Don't worry, he'll say yes."

AN: First chapter lol. I'm hoping to have at least 10 chapters and i'm gonna finish this book dw lol.

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