iii. lakeshore

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CHAPTER THREE, lakeshore

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CHAPTER THREE, lakeshore

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DELILAH'S EYES WERE CLOSED as she leaned up against the trunk of the tree her friends were seated around. She was enjoying the warm air and the sounds of nature, as it would be one of the last warm days of that year. The year neared mid-October, and the weather would begin to cool around Halloween. 

Most of her friends however, were not enjoying the nature as much as Delilah was. Naya was, her eyes closed with her head in the brunette's lap, listening to the sounds of nature. On the other hand, Charlie's nose was in a book as usual, and Lily was viciously studying with Alice Fortescue, one of their mutual Gryffindor friends as well as Delilah's brother's longtime crush.

"You two really should be studying," Lily reminded them, "we have N.E.W.T.s coming up soon." 

Naya scoffed, "Soon? They don't happen until next year, Lily. Plenty of time." 

"But we do have a Herbology exam at the end of the month," Alice chimed sweetly and Delilah opened one eye to the smiling girl. Delilah could understand why her brother was crushing on Alice; She was one of the sweetest girls Delilah had ever met, but she could still hold her own. 

"You're right Alice, but we don't even know what it's on," Delilah told her, "it's useless to do anything this early." 

"I swear you two should be Ravenclaws," Naya chided, "you study too much." 

"It's not that, we just want to be prepared," Lily retorted. 

"I have to admit Lily, I love you, but I don't even want to be studying this early," Alice said sheepishly, and Delilah laughed opened her eyes to a slightly red-faced Lily, who was putting her things into her bag. 

"It's fine, I have prefect duties right now anyways," Lily huffed while looking at her watch. She then stood and left them. 

"Hey Lils, don't forget we have that Potions project we have to do later!" Charlie called out to her, just now looking up from his book. Lily held her hand up to acknowledge what he had said, and Charlie returned to his novel. 

"What's that book about Char?" Alice asked the boy, leaning back on her hands. 

"The base plot's about this pirate princess who get's turned into a mermaid, super cool," Charlie informed her without looking up. "Sort of like a fun take on Ariel, that mermaid princess in those fairytales they tell us as kids." 

"That sounds super cool," Alice marveled, "could I borrow that when you're done?" 

Charlie turned the page he was on. "Of course. I should be done in the next couple of days," he told the Gryffindor. 

"Perfect," Alice smiled. 

Delilah wasn't paying attention to this conversation, as she was staring out onto the lake. With the colors from the coming sunset before dinner, the lake looked absolutely stunning. Delilah made a note to herself to draw this later. 

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