You Never Forget

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Chapter 12
Oct 12,2018

"Robyn. I'm telling you she better in person," I said and passed the blunt to Nola.

"I know," Robyn said in her heavy accent.

I smirked. Only Nola would pull this goddess as a wife. I shook my head. We were all lucky as fuck. How we all ended up with real women who happened to be most beautiful women to grace humanity l.

"Did we take care of that issue?" Nola asked.

I smirked and nodded my head. They were all safe for real now. Me and DJ had to handle a couple of guys that were keeping tabs on Mila and then.  Rain wasn't trying to have any repeats. Especially since this ain't even her mess. She got pulled into it.

"What issue is that?" Robz asked.

"The one I told you about," Nola said.

I chuckled.Robz memory was shit sometimes because Nola usually gets her super baked before she tell her some shit. But Nolas ain't no better. Unless it's important to them. But I can't lie I might have to try it. Keep down on the bullshit people like to pull you into. As a matter of fact Stormie and Mila do the same shit.

"Yup. We can relax for real," I said and licked my lips.

I have to admit. Sin and Red did hook my basement up. The vibe was all right down here. Each section had a different feel to it.

"I don't know how I let y'all niggas talk me into this," Mila said as she came walking down the stairs.

"You have no choice," Sin said.

I looked at Nola and nodded to the steps. Nola had meet Milly a few times. Robz meet her a couple but  was out of town or working or something I can't remember, but she wasn't at the tattoo party though
. However, once you meet Milly. You rarely forget meeting her.

"But I  did have one. I had a really good one ," Mila said as she made her way down the stairs

"Shit! I didn't forget and it wasn't a dream" Robyn said as she sat up.

"Would you rather be with Ricki and Traci or us right now," Sin said.

I laughed as Mila looked up at her and around at her the room. I bit my bottom lip as her brown curls still held water from her shower on them. She sighed and turned around and grabbed  Sins hands.

"Please don't call them," she said softly.

Sin smirked and placed her hand on her cheek.I bit my bottom lip and thought back to the night in the basement. I groaned as my mans got hard. They were so damn sexy together that night.

"I don't think I can take them anymore," Mila said.

I watched as Sin laughed and pulled her into a hug. I smirked as I remember how Mila had pulled Sin into this slow aggressive kiss. That night was nice. I replay it when I'm high as fuck sometimes.

"You wanna kill them,"Sin said as she rocked them
Side to side.

"So much so,"Mila said and laughed.

She turned around and made her way all the way down the stairs. I smirked as I took in her appearance. A pair of black sweatpants pants and what look like one of Rains Grey dress shirt a pair of grey vans and she also had on a Venom black beanie.

"Mila. This Nola and her wife Robyn," Sin said as they walked over.

"It's nice to meet you guys... again," She said as Robz walked up to her and hugged her.

"I couldn't help miself," Robz said.

I laughed.

"Nola you got to get in on this," Robz said.

I laughed as Nola shrugged and walked up to them.

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