So you want to run away, huh?

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So you want to run away? Why do you want to run away? Tell me. I may run away, you may run away, but please... if it's just you got scolded by you're parents for not doing you're school project, then maybe you are just overreacting by their standards. But if it happens all the time, you got a B+ on you're test but you get scolded and babied by that, then maybe you do have toxic parents. Trust me, on this one. 

Running away is not a good decision. It may be you're final choice, but you'll have to deal with predators, creeps, thieves, and nature itself. 

But you're not here to listen to me drone about human traffickers, are you? You're here to eat free on the run. (Or at least, cheap.)

Well, I already warned you, there isn't much I can do anyway. 

Anyways! We're getting off the point. Welcome to the Food on the Run, the essential guide to eating free as a runaway. Be prepared, little to-be runaway, or maybe... runaway that stole someone's phone? Ehh, anyways, welcome one and all! 

And if there's police reading this please do not call my parents.

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