~My Skinny Love: Part Two~

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Just a warning:
Suicide and Depressed Thoughts

This is something I though of today, and it's about two mouths after Ty told everyone about Jason. Sky wanted to help him, but Ty refused. Sky did help him after all, and has a love for Sky.

Enjoy :)


Sky's POV


Ty had told me everything about Jason. He broke down in my arms, and I helped him through it. At first, he pushed me away. So I gave him is space. But at the end, I ended up helping him. And he wanted it.

I love Ty. I never knew why he was sad, always hiding behind that nod. I accepted him.

And I loved him.

I still do.

I was walking to Ty's house, holding some flowers. Today, I was going to ask him out. I was going to give him the night of his life- a restaurant, movie, then a walk in the park.

It will be amazing.

I knocked at the door, smiling. I can't wait to see his amazing face.

No answer.

I knock again.

No answer.

"...Ty?" I called out. Was he home? Yeah, his care was here. So why wasn't he answering? Wait.

I know where the key is, under the doormat. So I got the key, and opened up the door. I burst in, and ran into his room. That's where I saw him.

Ty was laying on his bed.

I sighed in relief. He was just sleeping. Thank Notch. I walked closer, lightly touching his hair. I smiled at his adorable face, his eyes closed peacefully.


I-I can't see him breathing.

Tears run down my cheeks.

"Ty!" I shake his arm, now full on crying. "Ty! Ty wake up!" I screamed. He didn't. He stayed quiet.

I sobbed. He's dead. He is dead.

My love of my life is dead. I looked around his room.

That's when I saw it.

Tapes, his phone, and notes. Pills next to all of that. "No Ty..." I cried. "Y-You didn't... You w-where amazing..." I cried softly, looking at his limp body. "Ty please wake up. I need you."

I walked over to the notes and phone, his phone on with a video on the screen. It was Ty, he was looking, sad. Scared.

I played it.

"H-Hey! I guess if your watching this, I-I'll be dead. Hey, it's for the better, right?"

No Ty, it's not.

"I mean, I was just an idiot that dreamed about a boy."

No Ty.

"Ha. Funny how that falls out. But, I am not here to talk about myself. I want to tell some people some stuff."

Here it comes.

"Sky, your my best friend. I actually loved you like I did 'Jason' when you where helping me. I cared about you, but I knew you thought of me as a friend. I never told my feelings. It's just, to hard- ya' know?"

Tears ran down my face once more.

"Sky, I loved you. You helped me, and your not my imagination. You actually cared about some crummy boy with a weird hair-cut."

Ty I love you too. So damn much. Why did you leave us?

"You showed me magical things. Wondering. You didn't fail me. I failed myself. Don't take this out on you- it's all my fault for not letting go of the past."

Ty Ty Ty Ty.

"Sky, I'll be looking after you."

Then the video went off. I cried and cried. The pain in my heart was bursting open, making me give up. I looked at the pills, then smiled.

"I'll join you Ty." I sadly smiled, grabbing the pills and taking a gulp of them. Then I laid myself next to Ty, flowers resting next to him in a hugged position.

Then I closed my eyes, joining my love.



<3 TheDiscoDino

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