we got shot lmao pt 2

655 4 1

A/n - idek what to say lol ʘ‿ʘ

Warning: YELLING, cussing, ect.

Word count: 614

You've been in surgery for a while now and the team is trying to figure out who used throat phone.
" I WAS RIGHT THERE" derek yells getting frustrated
" I told you, you are off the case a few hours ago so who told you?" Aaron asks looking around
" Hotch I'm sorry I think we need his help though" JJ says trying to reassure hotch
" Ok' hotch says sternly

*A few hours later*

Derek runs to his car which is parked in the parking lot. Hotch keeps trying to ca him asking were he was going.
" Derek where are you going?" Hotch says sternly
" HE TRIED TO KILL MY WIFE" derek yells driving away
" I'm hanging up" derek says
" N....." Hotch couldn't finish before derek hung up
" Shit, garcia get his location NOW" hotch says pissed

" Yessir" Garcia says typing on her computer.
" I got it" garcia says a few minutes later
" It's one of Derek's houses tat he's renovated" garcia says looking up
" Ok this is going to be harder than I thought" Emily says with a sigh
" Did you know 0.000.9% of people find the victim before they die" spencer sys with a smile
" Not the time spencer" Hotch says looking at spencer's smile drop
" Sorry" spencer says looking down

" Split up it'll help us cover more ground" Hotch says grabbing a head set
" Yessir" the rest of the team says grabbing a head set.
They quickly rush to there cars and head to Derek's houses.

*Mean while with Derek and that dumb bitch who thought derek didn't know his own house*

*Picks up phone*

"Yeah kill her" dump bitch says threw the phone
Derek knocks the gun that was pointed at his head on the ground, tacking the dumb bitch the stood infront of him.
" She'll die anyways" the dumb bitch says
" No she won't" derek says putting hand cuffs on him
" How do you know?" Dumb bitch questions
" Because this house doesn't have power" derek says with a smirk. Just then the door was kicked open by the team

" FBI, PUT YOUR HANDS WERE I CAN SEE THEM" hocth yells pointing his gun in all directions trying to find them
" In here hotch" derek says
The team runs in one after each other,

" I got him, I got him" derek says sighing

*Back at the hospital*

Derek runs in your room to see if I was out of surgery. He walks in to see you smiling at the baby rubbing his finger against her cheek.
" She's so beautiful" you say looking at the muscular man standing in the door way
" She sure is, she looks just like her mom" derek says walking towards the both of you
" You guys can come in now" derek slightly yells

In walk the team with flowers and balloons.
" She's so beautiful what's her name" Penelope says holding her
You and derek look at each other
" Jennifer Penelope morgan" you say seeing JJ and Penelope smile
" You named her after me" Penelope says with a tear in her eye
" Yes we did" you say with a sigh, with you being tired in all

" Ok ok, quick photo then you can go to bed" Penelope says helping you into your wheel chair, to take you to the hall way.

*In the hallway*

" Say cheese," a nurse says holding a camera
" CHEESE" you guys scream

The End

* A/n- I'm sad to say that this book is officially over, I only think I'll really start a new story just yet but hope you guys liked this book and helave a great Christmas 😘*

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