Mall Day..

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Izuku smiled to himself as he put his homework for the day in his backpack while simultaneously listening to Uraraka talk to him about Asui Tsu. (Again)

“-so of course after she came to the mall with me, and guess what she was wearing?!” Uraraka asked excitedly, a light blush splayed across her cheeks.

“What was she wea-“ Izuku asked, even though if he didn’t ask Uraraka would still tell him either way.

“She was wearing OVERALLS. OVERALLS DEKU!! OVERALLS!!!!” Uraraka practically screamed as she shook Izuku by his shoulders frantically.

A couple of their classmates that were still in the classroom turned to look at the pair, but Uraraka didn’t seem to notice or care.

“GUESS WHAT SHE SAID TO ME!” Uraraka asked/screamed.

“What did sh-“ Izuku started, already knowing he was going to get interrupted.

“SHE SAID: ‘I like that blue on you.’ CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!!” Uraraka shrieked, her light blushing becoming a lot less ‘light’.

Izuku stopped shoving things in his backpack momentarily to look over Uraraka’s outfit, which consisted of the regular girl’s UA uniform, but she also had a shiny blue headband in her hair.

“That explains the headband.” Todoroki said out of absolutely nowhere, making Izuku and Uraraka jump simultaneously.



Uraraka and Izuku exclaimed at the exact same time.

“Oh. Sorry about that.” Todoroki said in his usual monotone voice.

Izuku looked at him and smiled, feeling his cheeks heat up, becauseoffrikencoursetheydid, and said;

“I-it’s okay Todoroki-Kun! We just didn’t notice you is all!”

Uraraka gave him a look that said: Simp.

Izuku gave her a look that said: (/(Youcan’ttalkMf)

Uraraka opened her mouth to say something, probably trying to embarrass Izuku or defend herself, but before she could, Mina tapped Izuku on the shoulder.

“Hey Midoriya! Can I talk to you for a sec’?” Mina asked, smiling at him happily.

Todoroki narrowed his eyes at Mina when he thought Uraraka wasn’t watching, but she was.

“Of course Mina!” Izuku smiled at her and popped up from his chair to follow Mina to the back of the classroom.

“What do you want to talk about?” Izuku asked while cocking his head to the side like a puppy when Mina stopped at a desk but didn’t say anything for a while.

“So, in class this morning I realized that our class is full of love sick individuals. I realized this because Kaminari was totally checking Shinso out and Kiri was 100% staring at Bakuhoe, which is a clleeeaarrrr sign he has the hots for him. Are you following?” Mina said practically all in one breath.

“I’m following..?” Izuku responded, not exactly sure where this was going.

“Perfect! So I thought that the class needed a Cupid, and who better to do that than me? But then I realized that I needed a partner to get another point of view on the situation, to talk things over with me, someone who’s good at analyzing things, ...and someone to laugh with me. Soooo what do you say? Wanna be the class Cupid with me?” Mina said in less than ten seconds.

Izuku blinked dumbly a couple of times, trying to process the information, when he seemingly came to a decision.

“.... yeah! Sure. Just one thing.” Izuku responded carefully.

“Awesome!! What is it?” Mina asked excitedly.

“We have to get Uraraka and Asu-Tsu together.” Izuku said confidently, deciding that he couldn’t listen to Uraraka pine over Tsu any longer.

“Perfect! Then we have our first victims!”

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