part 1.5

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A/N: this part wasn't anything that happened in the dream but there was a big time gap in the dream so i thought i would write some cute stuff about danny because there is so much smutty stuff about him and he deserves wholesome content too because he is 🥺.


since that day, danny has always been there for me.

that evening, we found a little 24 hour sushi place- had the most mediocre, absolutely average sushi on the face of the earth- and just... talked.
we talked and talked and talked. he told me about his life. i told him about mine.
i told him that's i'm a lot of work, but he said he is too, so it works itself out. we've always been able to help each other through shitty shit. i know it's hard for him to talk about how he feels, so i don't pressure him, but i always stay by his side. with me, when i'm upset i can nonstop vent for 30 minutes straight until my throat is sore. but the whole time, danny will be there, right next to me. rather it be rubbing my back, playing with my hair, holding me in his arms, or even as simple as putting his hand in mine.

yeah i "knew" him from social media. but i never really knew HIM. i knew who he portrays himself to be online, which i'd say is accurate enough, but now i've fallen in love with the little details that the camera doesn't catch. i know him now. and that still boggles my mind, every day.

and the fact that he knows me! i mean i can't remember myself being this vulnerable with a man ever in my life. but danny just makes it so easy.

one time, i went to school for a whole week- didn't miss any days and wasn't late or anything. (this is something i've struggled with for years, so it was big!)
that friday night. he picked me up from school, we hung out at the lake, and then he took me to one of the most gorgeous restaurants i've ever been to in my entire life. the whole night, danny was telling me how proud he was of me and how's he's always there for me.
i swear i almost cried.

there was another time when i was having an episode. danny finally got me motivated enough to take a shower. he stayed with me the whole day. he chose some comfortable clothes for me, he brushed and braided my wet hair and then cuddled with me until i fell asleep. he obviously went back to his place when i was asleep for the night, but the next afternoon, he even brought me a self care basket with things like new body wash and exfoliant and bath bombs etc etc. all in my favorite scents. lavender and rose.

and i was the same with him too. he hit 100k shortly after we began our relationship, and yeah we celebrated- we celebrated all his milestones- but we weren't together for long enough to do something super big. but let me tell you, when he hit 200k. i. went. MAD! i was so insanely excited for him! i reserved us a spot at his favorite restaurant. we watched his favorite movies on the ✨nice tv✨. i painted him a picture of us. i made him a care package with some of his favorite snacks and candies, some candles, self care products (we love doing face masks together!) and even a fancy new ring light. he was excited about that one.

we'd go on dates everywhere. my family had a little boat, so we would go drifting around the water for a bit, just listening to music. one time we slow-danced in a forest, it was literally magical. we went to the zoo and he took a picture of me in front of the lions. he says it's one of his favorite pictures of me but i think i look like an idiot. maybe it's the memory.

the day we went to the zoo, i don't know what it was but we just couldn't get enough of each other. you'd think our bodies were physically connected.
when had lunch, we shared a large basket of chicken strips and i remember danny feeding me the fries. he dipped one of them in ketchup and booped my nose with it. i was annoyed... for about 0.02 seconds. because in that moment, i couldn't imagine going to that silly zoo with anyone else on the planet. i know some of the middle aged couples were judging us. but we didn't care. it felt like we were the only humans at the whole zoo that day.
maybe that's why he loves the picture so much...


(word count: 757)

sorry this is kind of short lol.
i did my best i swear!

but it was also by 2am best so maybe not my best best?... but good enough!

anyways. i hope you enjoyed you and danny's cute little date things and wholesome moments. let me know if you'd like more after i finish "the second part" :)

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