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You could still hear your mother's soft voice ringing in your head as you lay on the forest floor. You were cold and hungry, barely able to keep your eyes open. Her voice was the only thing keeping you alive. You can't help but mentally giggle to yourself as the memories of you and your mother flooded back into your head. The first time you got in trouble for fighting. The second time you got in trouble for fighting. The third- wait how many times did you feel the need to beat someone up. damn. Then again it was no surprise since you were her daughter of course. She was your hero, your mother, your best friend, and your mentor. She taught you how to fight, how to wield a sword, how to survive, and how to protect what you loved most. You clutched the katana she gave you. A tear rolled down your cheek " ..I'm sorry mom I couldn't be as strong as you.." you sobbed hoping someone would hear. You heard footsteps coming from the north of your direction. Whether it was the police or some random villain or even a hero you rolled over your empty stomach laying on the floor. You lifted your head and muttered the words " please help me.." your strength was depleted as your head fell down to the ground.

.As your eyes slowly fluttered shut you could hear footsteps coming towards you. Going in and out of conscious you could barely make out what the person was saying. The figure picked you up carrying you bridal style to a small hut. You could hear the river. It was only a few feet away from the hut and where you laid. The figure propped you up and helped you eat what seemed like mush. At this point you didn't care what it was it was edible and you were on the brink of starvation. After 4 bowls and 7 cups of water you slept.

~Time skip ~( you slept for 2 days :p)

You jolt awake after having a nightmare. As you try to process where you are a man walks in bringing firewood. He had a scar on his left eye. He was tall wearing black baggy pants and green army boots. He wore a striped button-up shirt but it wasn't buttoned at all. You could see his bare chest covered with scars and a single tattoo on his right peck. He had short gray hair and black eyes.

" oh, you're finally awake," he says setting the firewood down. He grabs a kettle and pours you some water. You use your quirk to see his name. Letters appear above his head and you read aloud " Riku Z-Zoro." Your voice was raspy as you took the cup from his hand. He frowned in confusion and muttered, " How do you know my name kid." You sipped the water and simply pointed above his head knowing he wouldn't be able to see. He frantically looked up and behind him checking for clues. You spat the water out giggling. " You look so dumb right now ya know," you chirped as looked out the doorway. "Oi," he said sternly " I don't like messing with witches and shit so if one of those creepy magic bitches you better-"

" My name is Y/N Takeko and no I'm not a witch." you cut him off. His eyes widened. " Takeko? as is the infamous swords woman Nakano Takeko?!?" his face lit up talking about your mom. You nod in response. He smiles and scurries over to your sword. You grabbed it before he could and glared at him. " I saved you from starvation if I wanted your sword I would've let you died." He sits on his knees next to you and gives you a smile. You hesitantly place the katana in his hands. You swore you saw a sparkle in his eye as he admired the scabbard. " My great great grandfather was a swordsman," his tone was soft but his eyes carried a certain sadness in them. There was a bit of silence as you found him lost in thought still clutching your katana. " hey hey let's not start sharing dark backstories now," you chuckled. Riku looked up at you and smiled " don't gotta tell me twice. Although I do wanna ask how you ended up almost dying in the middle of the forest." You sighed " well since we're not sharing our angsty backstories let's just say I was kidnapped and left to die." He laughed at your dark sense of humor. " well what are you gonna do now since you're obviously still alive." You pondered that thought. You really were ready to accept death as it was but by luck or even call it fate you're alive. "...I-I'm gonna become a bounty hunter like my mom." He nodded in response to your answer. " Well, Ms. Bounty hunter before you do anything we gotta get you back in shape cause right now you look more zombie." You both chuckled. You used your quirk to see what his quirk was but it was blank. Usually, when you use your quirk you see a person's name and right under it it will say what their quirk is. You just assumed you couldn't see it due to your malnutrition. " So Riku what's your quirk?" He pauses for a second. " Oh, I don't got one. I'm just good at making weapons so I guess you could say my quirk is blacksmithing." He rubs the back of his neck as he stands up to light the fire. " But I'm guessing you knowing my full name off the bat and not being a witch means it has something to do with your quirk." You nod with a bubbly smile. " Do you want me to explain it?" you ask. " Nah since you won't be using it until I get you back in top-notch health." You frown but know it's for the best. " How long do you think it'll be till I can start training?"

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