Uh, a last Hi!

1.1K 9 9

I want to start of by saying, thank you guys for all the support I've gotten, both about the books and about stuff that has happened irl. You guys are all absolutely amazing and i love you all!
Sadly tho, i won't be writing anymore as it seems now... school is just really always keeping me busy, and the little freetime i have I want to start yt and streaming.. writing just doesn't bring me joy anymore either as I've lost all motivation about it and it just stresses me out usually..

I'm really sorry, but it seems like this is our last hello and goodbye, at least on the fanfiction writing part, I'll still be on wattpad, just won't update books.
Stay safe everyone <3

Social medias I'll probably be semi active on:
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5KyfowbW0uqDidslZ55tcw
- Twitch: jGuessMonster
- Instagram: _guess__monster_
- Snapchat: j_guessmonster
- Tiktok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSsgupQv/ (trying)
- Twitter: j_guessmonster

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