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- Tubbo
"Dream, you have my permission to please escort Mr. TommyInnit, outta'of my country and will never be seen again." Fundy and Quackity were shocked, but haven't spoken yet. "You're welcome, President Tubbo. Now come one, let's go you child."
Before they had even left, Tommy stabbed his foot against Tubbo's. Dream aggressively grabbed Tommy's arm held tight, he scoffed at Tubbo and headed straight towards the boat.
As the two spoken there way to an another land.. named
Logstedshires the sun started to set. "Were here, welp. Tommy, I believe this is our stop.
I'll have to visit you once in a while to check up on you.
And you're not allowed to be welcomed back. As Dream myself, will have to declared that this area and land is now yours. So long now."
Tommy grabbed his packings and items. He figures were he wants to unpack. Dream was already long gone.


Later, during the sunset. Tommy starts to wander off. He heads towards the forest leading him to GhostBur. "Heya, Wil.." The soft wind blew Tommy's hair.
Wilbur sitting on a swing admiring the beautiful sunset and ocean waves. "Hello, Tommy!" :D
I made a bench just for you. I knew you'd be here." Tommy looks away and watches the oceans with him.
"I have someone you'd probably hate, but please. Tommy, look!" :) Ghostbur drifts away to sleep, "Schlatt?"
Tommy was shocked and wanted his anger out on him. But he had changed. As Ghostbur falls asleep on Schlatt, he held him safely. "Hello, Tomathy. You nerd, what'd you do this time?"


- 3rd person
Tubbo walks over to his window and thinks. "Man, I have lots of work to do..Ramboo!!" He yelled out. Ranboo came into the room panting,"Ah yes, hello!" :)
I have a quest for you, think you can do it? It might be hard." Ranboo shook his head and received the paper.
Before he had left, "And please, tell AwesamDude and Dream about it to please." Ranboo leaves the room, while Tubbo sat down and thinks about someone special from his life. Tooken away from his decision.

1/2 an hour later

BadBoyHalo flys over with his trident, trying to find something. "Hey, Pufffyy! Where are youu?" :(( Puffy turns around seeing Bad feeling down. "Awh, Bad what's wrong?"
- 3rd person
Bad and Puffy walks together around in the mountains. "Well I made or- found something for Skeppy and Tommy, but I lost my ender chest!" D:
"Hm- Badd, do you remember the last place you'd been to? Bad looks away and thinks, he gasped. Puffy grabs his cheeks and squished them,
"You silly muffin! You gave it to me for protection!"
Both of them were giggling to each other. "Oh my goodness, thank you!" Bad hugs Puffy and left off running. Puffy smiles.

"You're welcome Bad, you're welcome."

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