Chapter 12: In the deepest point

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At the time when Cougar was with Scoop then Lofty was stuck in the hole.

It was very large and everywhere was the parts of rusted machines. "I don't like in here," he said shakily. "Help!" he tried to scream but only noise he made was a beep. He closed his eyes and he still trembled because of fear.

"Do you need help?" someone asked. Lofty looked up and said:" I'm stuck!" "Don't worry!" said the stranger:" I will get you out!" Then he drove away. "Why everything is disturbing the work?" he asked quietly.

A little time later Iron found Lofty. He reached him his hook and pulled him out. "Thanks," said Lofty quietly:" Did the gray roller told you where i was?" "Gray roller?" asked Iron. "He told me that he get help," Lofty said.

The gray roller, Clay, drove to Liz. "A blue crane is stuck in the hole," he told her. "Where?" she asked. "Follow me!" roller told her and she did what she was told. But then when they got to the hole then there was no sign of blue crane. "Stop imagine things!" said Liz to Clay. "But he was right here," Clay said:" He talked with me too."

Iron and Lofty were racing to Bob. "You both are alright," Bob said with relief. "Oh my godness!" shouted Lofty when he saw Scoop. He's was almost falling apart. Iron said with sadness:" I never thought that Liz is able to do that." "We all fell for it," said Cougar:" I first thought that i can trust her but i was wrong. And i didn't realized that she changed me too." Iron asked:" How did ya get captured?"

"Well," said Cougar:" I was getting the materials for building site but then my light went out. It was dark and i didn't see where i was going. But then something stinged me and i felt dizzy. Next thing i knew i was in the unfamiliar building." "I was being hit by the dart too," said Scoop. "Me too," said Gem:" They use it to get the machine relaxed when they get them inside."

Bob then realized that his commication was on all this time. "I think that it's time to call police," Bob said trough it. Wendy was almost taking the phone but then somebody crabbed her. "You don't wanna do it," said Kye. "How did you get here?" Wendy asked. Kye said:" I have the most trustworthiest crane." Then he dragged her outside. "That's him," Kye said and showed her Rogue. Wendy tried to get the commication on but Rogue got it and gave it to Kye. "Oops!" man said and throwed it into the ground shattering it. Wendy casped.

"Wendy?" asked Bob trough the commication. Then he turned to machines:" I think that she's in trouble." "But Liz and Kye?" asked Scoop. "Maybe they got Wendy," said Bob and climbed to Iron. "We will go and help her," the builder said:" You try and don't get into trouble."

"The generator!" shouted Gem:" We can't turn it down by ourselves." "Maybe we don't need to shut it down," said Cougar. Then he went to the generator and tried to throw it into the ditch. "Good idea!" said Scoop and tried to take it into his bucket. Gem and Lofty did it too and then they were managed to destroy it by throwing into the ditch. "Great teamwork, guys!" said Scoop.
At the building site there was no sign of Wendy or Kye. "Where could they be?" asked Bob.

Wendy was tied up and in the garage next to the fence.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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Bob the builder: Scoop's missingWhere stories live. Discover now