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It was already the next day. Yugyeom woke up that morning feeling kind of refreshed, he hadn't slept that well since a very long time, he was glad he finally got a good night rest.

The young man found himself in a really good mood all morning, he got ready as he happily hummed a random tune he invented –he liked the melody though, maybe a full song could be made from it–, and in no time he was ready to officially start his day.

He just hoped his day could be as good as his mood at he moment.

Then he remembered, the reason why he had slept so early the day before, fuck, he was an idiot.

Yugyeom face-palmed himself before groaning, today he had to met his crush, and after the embarrassing interaction he had with him yesterday –even though the other didn't have a clue it was him who was behind the dandelion facade– he felt even more dreadful of the situation.

Was he ready to maintain a conversation with the other boy for more than thirty seconds without it becoming awkward? He surely was not.

As Youngjae had said to him before, and Yugyoeom knew this himself too, he was really shy and quiet with people he didn't really had some type of bond with, now add to his already timid and blundering centrics the fact that he was going to be talking to the person he very much fancied, the male was already visualizing failure.

Yugyeom's mood dropped just a tiny bit at that. He really didn't want to fuck it up, but knowing himself, that was very likely to happen.

He exited his apartment once he was done brushing his teeth after eating breakfast, locked the door, and went down in the elevator. When he finally made it to the mildly busy street outside, he realized it was kind of chilly that day, it was mid autumn after all, no surprise why the weather was starting to act crazy. The good thing was, Yugyoeom always brought a hoodie or jacket with him, so he won't be suffering because of the slightly cold weather.

But even with his hoodie on, he still felt kind of cool. Maybe a coffee could help him with that. Yugyeom was more of a cold drinks person, and coffee wasn't his go to choice normally, but in that moment he had that whim for the bitter and hot drink.

So before he arrived to campus, he stopped by a nearby Starbucks. It was just a couple of blocks from his building anyways, so he didn't have to worry for being late.

He entered the packed establishment, had half of Korea decided to go buy coffee at this exact same place or something? But even if he hated crowded places with his whole being, he really wanted his coffee, so he beared with it.

Yugyoeom waited patiently in line for his turn. He was mindlessly going through his social media while he stood there in queue, and because he was distracted with his phone he didn't notice when another person went his direction and pushed him backwards accidentally when they passed by his side. Yugyeom didn't have time to see the rude individual's face as he collided with yet another person behind him.

"Woah, Woah buddy, watch out," a man's voice said as Yugyeom's back crashed into them.

Why the fuck so rude for, thought Yugyeom to himself after being pushed backwards so strongly, they didn't even apologize!

But he now had to apologize instead to the man he had hit unintentionally with his back. He turned around, and as polite as he could be he spoke worriedly, bowing his head down, hoping the stranger wouldn't get mad at him.

"I'm so so sorry, it wasn't my intention to bump into you, that asshat who hurriedly passed by pushed me and-" but he couldn't finish his words because the male became frozen as he caught the sight of the person next to the man he was apologizing to once he raised his head a little. It was no other but BamBam.

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