Ch. 10

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Ava's p.o.v.

I run down the stairs after getting myself refreshed. Right now I feel tired from the little ecstasy I had, but the day is still young. I run around a little bit and finally found Lincoln. "Jesus dude. You are hard to find. No wonder you always won hide and seek" I sighed, crossing my arms. Lincoln chuckles deeply, "I'm sorry," he smiles gently.

His wrinkles show on his face as his pearly white shined. My heart thumps in joy just being with this man once more, but the pain lingers in my heart. "Miss Ava are you alright? Did you need something in perhaps?" Lincoln asked, touching my head. I look at him and smile softly, "I wanted to ask if you would accommodate me to go shopping," I said softly.

He gives his normal soft smile, as he presses his forehead against mine, "I would never deny you, Ava," he whispers, as he says my name. Ginger of electricity makes me giggle, "Then let us get going then Lincoln," I whisper to him. He stands up straight as a sudden sound of my father clearing his throat. I look at my father as a sudden glare came towards me, "What is going on here, may I ask?" He steps forward. "Lincoln was comparing our temperature since he was worried earlier," I brush a hair behind my ear, "I was asking him if he will accompany me to some shopping," I added, holding onto Lincoln's arm.

A heavy glare scorches me, but I drench it in water. "Why didn't you ask me to accompany you?" my father asked. "Well she was just wo—" "I did not ask you Lincoln. I was talking to Ava," my father hissed, interrupting Lincoln. I was in shock as to what just happened before my eyes. I have never seen him act like this, but I was not going to stand for it. "Hey, there is no need for you to do that to him. He was only doing his job and answered you with respect. This is why I am not going with you," I pull Lincoln along with me ignoring my father as he yells and calls out my name.

"Miss Ava I believe you should go back to your father and apologize. I was out of line," Lincoln says. I stop walking and turned facing him, "You don't have to say sorry to anything Lincoln. You were doing your job. My father just has a stick up his ass for no damn reason," I gritted the last one through my teeth. Lincoln smiles softly touching my chin, "Please do not curse Miss Ava. You are too gorgeous to curse," he takes my hand and leads me out, "We can take a trip to the island next to us. Shall we?"

I laugh out, clutching my stomach, "Fine but we are taking the small yacht!" I exclaimed. "Anything for the princess," he smiles softly. I jump up and down, gripping his warm hands. This is just like old times. So, many memories that I have missed out on with Lincoln. "We need to hang out often," I said looking up at him. He nods his head as we reach the limousine. We then reach the end of the island as we hop onto the yacht. It is just Lincoln and me with no extra baggage. "I hope you don't mind that it is just both of us!" he yells out enough for me to hear as he drives. I put on my sunglasses, "This is better than ever!" I yelled back. He speeds up as I giggle as the sea breeze brush through my curly hair.

We reach the neighboring island which is like 4 hours away from us. The island is still bustling with people moving to work, dance, or sell something. Lincoln tapped my shoulder, "I hope you have the energy to walk," he teases. I stick my tongue at him, "That is why I wore my sneakers today. You don't have to lift me anymore," I laughed out. Lincoln shrugs his shoulders, "My arms are always open for you Miss Ava," he walks forwards. "Lincoln," I called out, making him stop in his tracks. I reach to him, "Just call me Ava. We can act normal please..." I look up at him. He smiles and ruffles my hair, "If that will make you comfortable then I will, Ava," he takes my hand.

A huge goofy smile appears on my face, "Now let us get our shopping on!" I exclaimed pulling him to a booth before he can ask me what I mean by 'our'. "This is pretty!" I put a mood stone chain around his neck, "Yes, we are getting that!" I paid the nice lady. "Ava are you sure you want to spend money on me?" Lincoln asked unsurely. I look at him, "Of course I am. You are my best friend and a person I cherish so no bickering from you mister," I point at him. He chuckles putting his hand up in surrender, "Alright Ava. There is no chance to argue with you," he smiles. I nod my head, dragging him along.

Time passed and I have new clothes to be comfortable and some new suits and clothes for Lincoln. He complained a little more, but I was convinced soon after. "I'm hungry," I groan out. Lincoln takes my hand to a small little burger place. "I have been eyeing this place when we passed it," he said opening the door for me, "After you, young lady," he teased. "Well thank you, such a gentleman," I giggled softly.

We take a seat and just on time a waiter came up, "What can I get you both?" a nice deep-voiced ringed in my ear, making my legs go suddenly limp and my downstairs tingle in pleasure. I look up at the unknown voice that made my body feel sensitive. My eyes landed on a very tall muscular man with a strong jawline and fascinating hazel eyes. I stared quietly, but Lincoln snaps me out of it, "Ava?" Lincoln's voice called out. I double-take at Lincoln, "Uh I'll have a cheeseburger with a side of fries and a coke," I quickly look at the menu picking something random.

"All right. I'll be back with your orders soon," the mysterious handsome man said walking away from our table. As he left, I lay my head on the table, "Lincoln..." I whined softly. He chuckled softly, "Seems like someone catches your eyes," he teased. I look up at him, "Oh, be quiet," I whined out, only making him laugh at me. "If you curious just in case, but the name tag said Zavier," Lincoln crossed his arms over his chest, sitting back. "Zavier...." I repeated as his name rolls off my tongue.

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