Saved or tricked?

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Camila pov,

I was staring at Brendon, he looked at his phone and his eyes went wide and he grabbed me and dragged me back to the basement and chained me to the bed and put tape on my mouth.

He left me in the basement alone. After about 45 minutes later I heard Brendon screaming at the other Brendon.

I was trying to make as much noise as possible, but then I remembered the basement was soundproof and I just tired myself out.

Lucifer pov,

Well seems like this man has a twin? Anyways as they were arguing Ella pulled me aside and we started exploring the house looking for the girl. 

I passed a door that was black with diamonds on the nob, after a while the two men had realized that Ella and I weren't outside anymore I heard one of them slam the door shut and scream. "GODDAMN IT BRENDON IF THEY FIND CAMILA I WILL KILL YOU!"

"Well  now I know her name." I mumbled to myself, then kept looking after a while I decided to go look behind the black door.

I went down some stairs and was met with another door, this one was a red color, I walked down more steps and was met with a gold door labeled basement in some fancy kind of font. "Why do you have so many doors for one basement?" I questioned as I was about to open it except this door was locked.

I heard both of the Brendon's walking down the stairs, I hid behind the stairs and saw they both have a key with a diamond on it.

Brendon had Ella in his arms, causing me to come out of hiding. "PUT HER DOWN THIS INSTANT!" 

Brendon turned around. "I will if you forget about camila, because she's MINE."

"I'm not negotiating with a psychopath." I said making him laugh darkly, I got annoyed with him so I kicked Brendon in the nuts.

"Run Ella." I said, she listened and the one that I kicked ran after her but fell on the second step.

I ran into the room and found her chained to a bed, I broke the headboard in order to get the handcuffs off of her and picked her up and carried her up the stairs.

(Casino) Brendon pov,

I was frozen to the spot, I saw him taking her, but no matter what I tried to do I couldn't move that was until Lucifer, Ella and Camila were gone.

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