May I have this Dance?

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POV: You are a Princess in the 1800's  in the Kingdom of Luderious, Your father the king who you always hated so much arranged a marriage with a man you don't even have a clue who he is or... Do you? and also the man is the most Classiest man of the 1800's

Plus Danny if there's any possibility that you are reading this you are in a safe place and please... Stop torturing yourself. Love ya mannn!


You were getting ready in your room brushing your hair hair as you were wearing a long lacy elegant dress. Your hands slowly put down the brush and picked up an old necklace that was given to you by someone who's name that you have forgotten. 

The golden chain and the beautiful small gem sparkled as looked at it, you let out a sigh as you put it on. You stared at yourself in the mirror knowing this is the day that you will meet the man that your stupid father arranged for you. Its your 18th birthday so there's going to be a ball for the richest and royals for the celebration of your birthday and for you marriage  which was in 3 days.

You heard a small knock coming from the door making your eyes glance at it, You saw your maid bowing her head down as she opened the door "Your highness the guests are gonna be here in a few minutes." she said, making you gulp and take a deep breath "Alright I'll be ready in a few minutes.." you replied making her nod and left.

You sighed and looked back at the mirror and touched the small gem on your necklace as you took a deep breath "why do you have to leave..." you muttered

At the Ball

Everyone was dancing, everyone with their best suits and dresses. The band's music was filling the room with the giggles of the women that were talking. You stood on top of the stairs watching, getting nervous as the clock was ticking, You kept your chin up trying to keep your emotions in. 

Your eyes traveled around the room looking for the man that your father wants you to marry, you looked at all the men but you didn't found him cause you know what a man will wear to meet his future wife.

You kept your hands behind your back crossing your fingers hoping he wont attend and cancel the wedding, but non of your wishes has been granted and the large doors to the ball room opened "fuck." you whispered under your breath and looked at the man.

"Prince Danny has arrived!" A man shouted making you go back in silence

The man was wearing a fancy black suit which fitted him very well, his ghostly white soft hair, and his sparkling brown dark eyes, He was almost 6 feet tall and was wearing a bitch face.

Your eyes stare at him and not cause he's attractive, more like familiar. You kept watching the man "Dang he's attractive but looks like a rude ass." you said in her head 

The music soon stops making you shook your head and snap out of your thoughts, You look down back at him as he was at the end of the stairs staring back at you, 'HOW LONG HAVE I'VE BEEN STARING?!' you internally screamed

You stepped down the stairs as all eyes were on you and so was the Prince's eyes, The problem is you don't even have a hint who the fuck he is. You soon got down the stairs and was now in front of the prince

 "Princess Y/n" the prince said with a strange attractive accent that made you feel weird in someway but you still think he's an ass. 

"P-P-Prince." you stuttered making you wanna scream cause you just stuttered, the prince made a small chuckle and he glanced at the musician/band

He soon held his hand out staring at you directly in your eyes "may I have this dance, m'lady?" he asked with a small smirk on his face

'woah there mr shorty.' you thought to yourself, You soon noticed all eyes were on you and was your father eyes, You gulped and curtsied accepting his hand "my pleasure." you replied to him cringing in your mind

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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