== Chapter 1 ==

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xlauren_q has joined the game

And so it begins. The air is fresh, the wind not too obnoxious. Perfect for Lauren's first day on the brand new server with her friends.

Lauren did come on a bit late, however, everyone else already had stone tools while she was joining the newly made realm. A bit of questioning and confusion set her off to find a tree and barely catch up to Myka and them.

She found a cave shortly after gathering some logs. The cave already seemed explored, having a carefully placed torch near the entrance displaying signs of player activity. Lauren figured she would go down anyway, for it was the only cave she could see in her radius of sight. She took a step down the steep entrance and wondered in the mouth, keeping watch as to not step on or break her light source on the ground.

The cave gave off an eerie feeling, almost like a horror film. The tone of the stone was flickering oranges and yellows from the torches. Lauren liked the feeling of the warmth pressed on her cheeks. It made the tight space just ever so bearable. She continued onward, tripping and stumbling a few times since this world was so new to her.

She could barely contain herself. This was the first time in a while being active, the excitement beaming from her face. So many things she was already planning to do with her friends. So many opportunities for pranks and mischief, Lauren giggled to herself from anticipation. This was also a new opportunity to make new friends as well, since Myka, the realm owner, invited some new people Lauren has never seen or met before. She wasn't scared. She knew that they would all have lots of fun together and have some great laughs.

The deeper she went, the more shallow her breath got, aching her lungs from lack of oxygen. She figured it was a good time to stop and grab some cobblestone before she got ahead of herself again. She hacked at the stone, small pebbles making minuscule noises on the hard, cold ground of the cavern. She collected the sediment and crafted a stone pickaxe in a matter of seconds, thanks to autocrafting. She picked up her materials and headed the way she came, following the torch trail. Grabbing some coal she found on the way down.

She was out of the cave, her breath now stabilized. Though her stance was wobbly. It was night, the moonlight dancing on her eyes. She took a second to embrace the cool night breeze flow through the strands of her hair before jumping, hearing a gurgled groan and unsteady footsteps.


Now, usually, she wouldn't be as scared as she was seeing the undead, but this was the first night. No one survives the first night, especially with zombies on your tail. Lauren acted fast, quickly stumbling out of the hole and building up in a small pillar of safety. She took a few deep breaths as the zombies crowded around her pillar, unable to hit her.

"You good?"

A feminine voice overpowered the sounds of scratching and moaning from below her. She cracked her head to the vocals, only to see a smaller girl on a taller tower. She wore a galaxy patterned shirt, transparent wings stuck out from her shoulder blades and resting against her forearms, just visible enough to tell that she had such strange appendages. It was Gold. Lauren and Gold had known each other before the SMP. They weren't exactly close, but they've always been as friendly as ever to each other. But..Lauren was confused for a second. How long was she here? Did she just witness her panicking over a couple of zombies? Lauren shook her head, bringing her back from her swirling mind.

"Oh- uhm..yeah. Perfectly. Okay." Lauren reassured.

"Didn't seem like it a few minutes ago." The girl added, her wings twitching a bit from the giggles escaping her lungs.

Flustered, Lauren added, "That was a few minutes ago."

The girl let out a couple more bursts of laughter before finally settling down."Of course, of course." Gold snarked.

It was silent for a bit. Well, if you count the noises of several feral undead humans as silent. Lauren's tail flicking the breeze in uncomfortably.An idea blossomed in her head.

She interrupted the silence by breaking a few blocks underneath of her, lowering her feet ever so closer to the zombie's deadly grasp. Lauren licked her lips and pulled out her wooden sword. She began to wack at the bopping heads below her, only doing a minor amount of damage to the zombies. This was the entirety of her plan. Not very effective, but it's a plan nonetheless. Gold watched intently but amusingly, curious to see if Lauren could actually kill the countless beings. A couple more wacks of her sword and Lauren was yanked down from her perch and into the hoard. A scream broke from her ribs before a poof of dust covered the zombies, Gold, on her safety platform, was cackling like a hyena.

xlauren_q was slain by Zombie

Lauren respawned, along with the death message in chat, which sounded a notification noise in the pocket of her dress pants. Followed by many other dings from chat notifications. Probably from her friends ridiculing her.

Lauren fell to her knees, not being used to being fully reincarnated. A couple of breaths later, however, and she was bolting back to her perch, along with Gold."You know," Gold spoke, not moving an inch while Lauren was mercilessly being chased down by a mob of...well...mobs. "If you need help, I'm right here-""No, no. I got it, I got it!" Lauren interrupted. Before poofing into yet another cloud of dust.|

xlauren_q was slain by Spider

The chat was going wild with laughter, while Lauren was lightheaded at spawn, still trying to remember what the hell just happened. Her memory came back after a short second, and she panicked as skeletons starting to shoot at her with their bows. An arrow lodged right through her stomach and she collapses to the ground with a shriek of pain. Before inevitably poofing into more dust, and a message sent to the others, practically admitting how much an idiot she really is.

moonlxxt: HAASHSASD U OKLoganisbean: not pogSxxtNotFound: Do we help her?GoldenStars14: ive tried she said she doesnt need any xDxlauren_q was slain by Zombie

Lauren felt humiliated. A light pink brushed on her cheeks as she slumped down in defeat at spawn. The daylight was just peeking through the curtains of darkness, surely Lauren would be safe soon.

"Lauren, come up here." Gold ordered. A slow tilt of Lauren's head indicated that she really wasn't in the right state of mind to beg a differ.

After a few moments, Lauren groaned and picked herself up, holding on to her kneecaps for support. After feeling sane enough to start wobbling her way to the platform, she did so. A couple of quick block placements later Gold made it quick and easy for Lauren to waltz her way up the tower to safety.

Gold, even for her size, was pretty strong. She lifted up the other in a hook-like fashion to the elevated floor Gold had sloppily made, consisting of at least half the different wood types and some dirt. That didn't stop Lauren from almost instantly falling asleep on Gold's feet. She chuckled.

"Tired, huh? I would be too, you had quite the night!" A warm smile spread across Gold's face as she squatted down to Lauren's level. Lauren grunted in response, letting Gold know she was still responsive. Gold patted Lauren's shoulder before rising up to full (yet small) height and watching the dawning sun slowly state it's presence with beams of fresh morning light. The rays glimmered in the early mist, just enough for the human eye to recognize. Gold's smile grew brighter, her dark eyes contrasting beautifully with the warm tone of the beams.
Before Lauren knew it, she had fallen asleep. Her wings tucked ever so effortlessly to her sides, covering her in a sheet of feathers that kept her warm. Her mask was..well, off of her face, revealing the huge scar bridging across her small nose. A few freckles sprinkled between the cheeks. Her tail thumping on the ground in an unrhythmic pattern. Small, cat-like noises escaped from her lungs as she slept peacefully.

This was an interesting start.

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