Ena is an Idiot

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Ena, elder sister of Akito. She was walking down the hall when she saw her brother's door left ajar. She decided to peak inside and what does she find? She found her little brother cuddling with his boyfriend! She immediately texts her friends.

Enanan: OMG! OMG! Guess what I just saw!?

K: What is it?

Amia: OWO?

Yuki: ?

Ena: I saw my brother cuddle with one of his classmates! He's growing up, I think.

K: There was no need to tell us that.

Ena: Yes, there was!

K: Since when did you start to give actual shits about your little brother?

Ena: ...Just now. I wanna tell everyone!

K: Don't.

Yuki: K's right.

Amia: I've seen your brother talk to my friend Rui before. He doesn't seem like the person who'd like his love life spread across the internet.

Ena shuts down the messaging app. Who gives a damn!? Why do they give a damn!? I can't imagine Akito will see this. I don't even think he follows me. Well, and post! I'm such a good older sister.


"Mmm, Akito, as nice as this feels, I gotta go home soon," Touya said this with a pouty face.

"You don't seem like you wanna go home yet, Toya."

"Mmm, but my dad just texted me. He wants me to come home."

"Indecisive bastard. Does he want you around or does he not!? It's like he's flipping a coin on this shit!"

Touya erupted in laughter from Akito's statement. I mean, he wasn't wrong. Some nights Touya would spend the night here in the Shinonome household and other times he's home with his father.

"Classical music is so boring anyway. I wanna keep singing with you. Our voices are like two peas in a pod," Touya cups Akito's cheek and kisses his lips.

"Well, I gotta go. See you tomorrow, Akito."

"Same to you, Toya!"

Toya smiles and heads out the door. He flashes a wave to Ena and heads on his merry way. Ena walking back to her room noticed she'd been flooded with messages from her group mates.


Ena: The post got a lot more attention then I thought.

Amia: Yeah, yeah, that's cuz the art's good. But the caption...oh dear. Akito is in some deep shit now...Did you not learn from what I told you happened to Tenma Tsukasa!?

Ena: Tenma Tsukasa? Oh him? I feel bad for him. Our parents are always working and I didn't name drop the classmate so it's fine.

K: you never know that...we could have another situation on our hands. And if you just had an ounce of resistance, then maybe, you wouldn't have posted that.

"ENA SHINONOME!!!!" Akito roared. Ena takes a big swallow. She finally realized that she fucked up. Oh, oh no. She thought.


"Because you're growing up!" She thought of a quick excuse.

"If Toya experiences anything bad, it's your fault."

"I doubt anything bad will come of it. Just shake it off and pretend like it never happened. Besides, you two make a cute couple."

"'Cute' doesn't suit us at all!"


Ena is sleeping, huh? What's that? Aww. It's a couple holding hands. It's really cute. But the person behind it though...Akito quickly snaps a picture of Ena and posts it online. I can have my revenge! He thought.

On my way to school today, I should stop by Toya's house. I need to talk to him anyway. I seriously can still feel his lips on mine. What even is this feeling? Akito reaches Touya's house just as he was about to leave. Touya raised his hand and waved hello. He also walked towards Akito.

"Good morning," Touya kisses Akito on the lips.

"Mmm, now's not the time for that."

"Why not? We got time."

"Just read the caption on this post?"

"Oh, that? I'm a little pissed but there's nothing we can do really. As much as we would like to."

"But what about your family!? What will they think!?"

"Akito, my folks don't even know what Instagram is. They legit don't have any social media. No need to worry about me. The chances of them ever seeing something like that is one in a million."

"But still, there is that chance," Touya shuts him up with another kiss.

"My folks aren't like that."

"Wait really? Yeah, my mom always said 'love is blind'. And my dad had always said 'music is my business, not your love life.'"

"That second one...Ena needs to hear it."


No one really talked to them about Ena's post. With the exception of one person. While sitting with Touya, a feminine presenting person sat down with them. Akito's curiosity was peaked. He asked,

"Miss? Who are you?"

"Me! I'm Mizuki! I'm not a Miss though. Personally I don't know what I am. Just call me Mizuki!"

"Ok, Mizuki..."

"By the way! I wanted to talk to you about this! Looking here!"

"Oh that, why?"

"This, it's an LGBT group I'm forming for this school. So like a GSA. I've tried contacting Tenma-San but he hasn't responded to me yet."

"A GSA sort of thing?"

"Yeah! I think it'll be really fun!"

"Ok, I believe you. I think it'll be fun. Toya! You wanna join Mizuki's GSA thing?"

"Yeah, sure!"

"Great! I just need to get three more people on board and we can make a club!"


In the Sekai, Akito and Touya were on a little date. Meiko was about to ask what they wanted when she saw them kiss.

"You two that comfortable around me? I'm honored."


"Fufufu! Akito, your face is priceless. You want the couple's special?"

"What's that? Two mocha lattes with hearts made from steamed milk. Only offered to couples, like you two."

"I want it. What about you Akito?"

"I want it too, Toya. I also wanna be by your side Toya."

"Gaining confidence, I see." Meiko shrugged off her smug remark while Akito's face went red. Meiko giggled and gave the two their mocha's.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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