Chapter 6

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You blink groggily a couple times, confused at the warmth radiating from next to you. "Hm?" You hear a small groan as the source of the warmth starts to shuffle.

"Good Morning." He murmurs. You smile up at the God, nodding. He purses his lips. "Are you feeling alright?" You nod again, standing up and walking to the bathroom. Loki sits up and yawns. "You haven't said a word." You grab a toothbrush and wet it under the water of the sink. Putting a bit of toothpaste on it, you stick it in your mouth.

"I've got terrible morning breath." You explain, your voice muffled slightly by the toothbrush. "I didn't want to kill you." You grin playfully and spit the toothpaste out. The Norse God tilts his head.

"I am a God." He says. "I cannot die." You roll your eyes. "It was a joke." You peck the top of his head and start to make your way to the kitchen.

"You want some eggs?" You call, taking out a frying pan and turning on the stovetop. Loki walks over and inspects the frying pan closely.

"How would you make eggs with that?" You laugh.

"Let me show you the common Midgardian ways." You walk to the fridge and pull out a carton of eggs. Pulling out one of them, you crack it and put it in the pan. You poke the egg and flip it. A few minutes later, You sit down at the table and slide a plate over to Loki.

"Here." You watch as he tentatively takes a bite of the egg. His face immediately lights up.

"This is amazing!" He says, taking another bite. You smile, taking a bite of your own egg.

"Thank you." You mutter. "I don't really cook much." Loki smiles at you from the other side of the table.

"Don't worry, It's better than some dishes in Asgard." You raise an eyebrow.

"Oh really?" You ask. Loki nods. "Yes. Much better than Liver of Balrog." He adds, making a face. You laugh.

"Shut up." You two chat idly for a few more minutes about Asgardian cuisine versus Midgardian cuisine. You notice that you're both finished and take the plates. Putting them in the sink, you start to scrub at the plates. Loki frowns.

"Why are you doing that so early?" He asks. You shrug, setting one plate on the drying rack.

"This way, I don't have to worry about it later." You place another plate on the rack as Loki watches you. You finish by cleaning the forks an putting them on top of a towel. "There. Now wait right there." You point to the ground where Loki's standing and dash up the stairs to your bedroom. Two minutes later, you come down wearing your favourite tee-shirt and jeans. "Alright, let's do this." You grab your coat from off the hook and put on some boots. Loki walks over to you and crosses his arms.

"Where are you going?" He asks. You shrug, grinning.

"I'm going job hunting." You point to the newspaper. "I saw a few ads." Loki snaps, his attire changing to the default green hoodie and jeans.

"I'm coming with you." He states, opening the door for you. You smile, zipping up your coat.

"Let's rock and roll, Sammy." You state, sauntering out the door. Loki tilts his head.

"My name is not Sammy." He says. You sigh.

"You're not getting any of my jokes..."

Thanks for 30 votes, guys! Can we shoot for 35 this time? Thank you all so much!! I'm currently working on a TinTin x Reader OneShot, and I'm also accepting OC's for oneshots! I'll see you all in 35 votes. I'm so sorry I couldn't update sooner! It's been written and all, I just needed to put it up on here. School's been weird, and I've started a cosplay blog. Thank you all so much!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2015 ⏰

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