Conquering Russia

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Al right guys, welcome back to erver Chat! I thiught of many new ideas! Before this starts, I wanted to point out something. Over the break, I realized that Deadlox's wrld would actually be more of a Minecraft Realm with every single Youtuber invited rather than a LAN world, so pretend it that. Let's get to the episode!                                                                                          


 SethBling: Lets use srategy. I think we should conquer Russia first because it is the largest

HuskyMudkipper: K

SethBling: Let em hack the main frame

CavemanFilms: this is unreal guys

Aureylian: IKR

SethBling: And...... Im IN

deadlox: Now, change all of the information

SkythekidRS: :O

SethBling: Done!

SethBling: Now

SethBling: We go to war.

---TrueMU joined the game---

---BajanCanadian joined the game---

---udkipper joined the game---

---CaptainSparklez joined the game---

---Aureylian joined the game---

---ASFJerome joined the game---

---SkythekidRS joined the game---

---AntVenom joined the game---

---KermitPlays joined the game---

KermitPlays: Wow

CaptainSparklez: What a war dude

TrueMU: Its a shame we lost CavemanFilms

xRpMx13: And we failed to conquer Russia, and you guys have me, Batman!

BajanCanadian: If we didnt run away, the rest of us would be toast. We had to chicken out

HuskyMudkipper: Yeah. We completeley ran back to the plane when we saw all those nuclear weapons

ASFJerome: That failed -_-

SethBling: So we failed, but I have another idea.

SkythekidRS: What would happen if we all lived on one street?



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