Cosmic: so we roastin each other now
Marsh: yep
Cosmic: consider yourself dead >:)
Marsh: alright, lets see what you can do
Cosmic: At least im capable of DOING something, unlike you
Marsh: But you need to have a brain to do things tho... and it seems like you don't have one :)
Cosmic: I think your getting your facts mixed up. The left side of your brain has nothing right, and the right side of your brain has nothing left.
Marsh: I saw that on the internet somewhere
Cosmic: You need to have positive IQ to search the internet :)
Cosmic: thx dude :)
Marsh: ...
Cosmic: tongue tied?
Marsh: no
Cosmic: then say something
Marsh: no u say something first
Cosmic: Alright, i guess you need starter wheels for roasting :)
Marsh: I think you needa get your facts checked, along with your life.
Cosmic: At least i have a life :)
Marsh: And i have one too.
Cosmic: really? because being around you is really damaging my brain cells
Marsh: you have brain cells?
Cosmic: You can type?
Marsh: yes ofc i can
Cosmic: its a rhetorical question, but i suppose you needa be smart to understand that.
Marsh: ..... ummmmmm
Hamster: is marsh actually losing?
Marsh: grr i hate you cosmic
Cosmic: thanks
Marsh: your wellk
Cosmic: np :)
Cosmic: ok here a reallly easy math question
Dark: watch theres probably a trick to it
Cosmic: I have a basket of 5 apples. I take two apples. How many apples do I have?
Marsh: 2, cuz the trick is you want us to say 3, but its the amount of apples "I" have
Cosmic: nope
Hamster: It's 5, cuz the basket is yours.
Cosmic: nope
Cosmic: its 7, cuz you take 2 apples from somewhere else, so thats 5 + 2 = 7. Can't believe yall don't know how to do first grade addition :)
Marsh: I'm getting tired of cosmic roasting everyone, yall wanna form our own group chat and no invite cosmic,
Cosmic: wait don't leaveeeeee. I have godmode so i can deny your permission.
Marsh: ahh shoot
Cosmic: I also hacked into your godmode and removed it. Now I have all your goos!
Dark: againnnn?!!!
Hamster: WHy am i even hanging out with cosmic
Nova: high five buddy, thx for not stealing mine
Cosmic: np np
Cosmic: bai, and have a nice day!