part 19

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Chapter 19: The Yule ball

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he Forbidden forest was a rather nice place in the daytime, beautiful even. Some would even agree it was nice place in the night too. Those who braved the forest and knew the way of the night would meet some spectacular beings.
Tonight the Forbidden forest was covered with a fluffy layer of new-fallen snow. It dampened all sounds to the dismay of all prey but light from the full moon reflected by the snow made up for the slight disadvantage in sound. The forest was lit up like daytime, revealing a frozen fairytale land.
In a clearing not far away from Hogwarts was the Thestral herd. They stood close together with the foals in the middle, smoke rising to the sky from dozens of muzzles as they slept through the bitter cold.
Sleep also prevailed among the Acromantulas; the entire colony was in hibernation till summer. Even the Centaurs were asleep tonight, except for a sleepy watch, who kept looking to the sky, deep in thought; the Libra constellation were still shining brightly even though it wasn't supposed to, and none of the Centaur elders knew why.
The only inhabitants of the forest that weren't asleep lived in the north. In a small cave at the foot of the mountains lived a clan of trolls, currently trying, with little success, to light a fire. They ended up throwing stones at each other instead. Their shouts of anger echoed over the trees before they were drowned out by another sound, which had the forest dwellers to hide in their holes.
A feral howl echoed over the forest – a ferocious challenge to anyone who heard.
An indignant squawk from an owl followed, the owl watched as the werewolf she had been playing with suddenly took off towards the southern part of the forest. She hooted in question and took after him. Underneath her someone else had taken up chase, moving so swiftly the only thing to be seen was a shadow flicking in and out between the trees.
A glint of silver ahead of them and they had caught up with Slypaw. The werewolf took no notice of them, and when Traceless burst out from the shadows to tackle him, he just threw him aside. Traceless got slammed into a tree trunk and landed heavily on the ground. Shakily he got up and growled angrily, but the werewolf was already gone.
Then a pained bellow and sounds of fighting reached them. Traceless tensed in recognition and rushed towards the scuffle. Flicking from shadow to shadow took mere seconds, and he burst out into the light again.
Hagrid had fallen to the ground and was doing his best to keep a snarling Slypaw away from him. He kept the werewolf's sharp teeth away with the help of a small log, but he fared rather badly against the sharp claws. Slypaw snarled and growled and, with a mighty tug, broke the log. Hagrid's eyes widened as the werewolf closed in again.
Suddenly, the werewolf was thrown away. Hagrid stumbled up and saw what had forced away the werewolf. Another, smaller wolf had attacked from the shadows and now positioned himself protectively between Hagrid and the werewolf.
The werewolf growled angrily and stalked forward, causing the smaller wolf to crouch low, pull back his ears and show his teeth in warning. This seemed to incense the werewolf as he stood up on his hind legs and raised his fur.
For a few moments the stalemate lasted for a few minutes before the werewolf attacked, determined to reassert his authority. They clashed halfway in a furious fight with teeth and claws tearing at each other. This time it was not at all like their previous fights, where they would tumble around playfully, losing and winning equally. No – this time it was more of a furious battle for dominance, and Traceless was giving his all.
Hagrid watched speechless as the two canines tumbled around, leaving reds of blood on the white snow. Suddenly he jumped when an owl swooped down at him, hooting angrily. He stumbled backwards as it flapped her wings and attempted to claw at his face. He took another step back, and she let off on her attack. Settling heavily on a branch, she glared at him, letting him understand that he was not welcome there.
As the wolves continued to fight noisily in the undergrowth, Hagrid quickly left the scene under the baleful watch of the white owl. As soon as the half-giant was gone, she turned her attention to the fighting wolves and, with a small jerk of her neck, turned back into human form. Perched precariously on the branch, she brought out her wand.
It wasn't often she had seen Traceless and Slypaw fight like this; they usually got along fine. They were equally matched – Slypaw's raw strength against Traceless' power over shadows. He used the shadows right now, both when he needed a reprieve and to trap Slypaw.
"Traceless!" she called. The two fighters were momentarily distracted by the unexpected voice and the fight slowed. "I need some space!"
Without a moment's hesitation, Traceless disappeared into the shadows, leaving an agitated Slypaw behind. Hermione acted quickly and waved her wand. "Saepio!" She put more power than usual in the spell, and four high walls rode around Slypaw. The second Slypaw was safely contained, Traceless appeared from the shadows. He stumbled a bit before changing back, and a panting Harry was standing in front of her. He was in bad shape, bleeding from various wounds and cuts, and his arm hung limply at his side. He glanced at her briefly, ignored her concerned look, before turning towards the high wall. From inside they could hear Slypaw shuffling around, scratching at the walls and howling.
"What happened to you boy?" murmured Harry concernedly and put his hand towards the wall. Slypaw replied to the human speech with a chilling howl.
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The day after, everyone noticed that the Trio was tired. Of the various cuts, bruises and sprained bones nothing remained thanks to healing potions. The scars from the werewolf healed slowly though and was hidden under a glamour. However, the tiredness remained, and worst off was Ron. He looked like the living dead despite having a strong glamour over him. He would really have needed to stay in bed today, but they did not dare, not when there had been a witness to yesterday's excursion to the forest.
"I don't understand what happened," whispered Harry harshly, watching Ron shakily downing his third cup of coffee. "You have never acted like that before, not even when humans have been attacking you. You have always managed to have some control."
"No, it's Slypaw who is usually more docile. Yesterday he was…I don't know, not angry."
"He saw Hagrid as prey," whispered Hermione. "Nothing unusual there. It was when Traceless tried to stop you everything went to hell."
"I don't know what happened," groaned Ron. "Slypaw somehow interpreted it as a challenge, and you know Slypaw; he always wants to be the Alpha."
Harry would've smiled and joked, but it really didn't fit the mood.
"Do you guys think you can get through the day?" asked Hermione in concern.
"Have to," said Harry and stole a sip from Ron's fourth cup of coffee. "Feels like I've been ripped apart and crudely put together with tape. Thanks a lot Ron," he added with a small attempt at a joke.
Ron completely missed it though and looked a bit ashamed. "Sorry Harry, I…"
"Don't worry about it love," whispered Harry and a put a calming hand on his thigh. "It's in the job description." Ron cracked a small smile this time and leaned heavily towards Hermione.
"I don't think I'll be able to get through this day," he said in a monotone. Hermione kissed him softly on his forehead.
"If you don't, you can try some of the Twins experiment candy. That'll excuse you from the lessons…or I could curse you so have to go to the hospital wing."
Ron didn't even deign this an answer. He looked like he had fallen asleep on Hermione's shoulder.
"This day is going to be long," sighed Hermione as she stroked his hair.
"I know what you mean," said Harry, and glanced at Ron who had started to drool.
"May I have your attention please!" Dumbledore's voice called out in the Great Hall. Attention turned to the Head Table, where Dumbledore had stood up.
"Before you all hurry away to your educative lessons, I have a few words." He was silent for a moment, and Harry thought that the headmaster hesitated, but when he continued his voice was strong. "Those who are good at Astronomy know that the full moon was up yesterday, and the Forbidden forest was visited by a werewolf. Our groundskeeper Hagrid had a little run in with the werewolf." Here Dumbledore hesitated again, and Harry started to realize why. Loud murmurs broke out all over the hall. "He is in the hospital wing being patched up, no worries. He is perfectly fine," Dumbledore assured the students. Harry noticed that not all whispers were out of concern for Hagrid.
"Contrary to common belief, werewolves are not dangerous to our society. They are not evil creatures, but as werewolves they forget everything about their human lives. It can be very dangerous to meet a werewolf during the full moon. Now, the Forbidden forest is normally a forbidden area for all students even though this rule is sometime disregarded." Here he looked seriously at the students, his blue eyes authoritative. "I don't want any students in the forest under any circumstances. I trust you all understand this rule and why it is enforced?"
Nods were seen everywhere, and Dumbledore smiled. "Good. Now off you go, you have things to learn. Chop chop."
"That was… a dangerous speech," said Hermione thoughtfully as she stared at the Headmaster.
"No kidding!" said Harry harshly. "There are million of ways that could have been misinterpreted! Saying that werewolves are dangerous in times when the ministry is voting for anti-werewolf bills!"
"What else could he have done? All he knows is that a werewolf attacked Hagrid; he had to warn the students," said Hermione.
"And did he have to go on about how mindless werewolves are? It's like he wants people to fear werewolves."
"Well to be fair; werewolves are rather mindless during the full moon," said Hermione patiently and continued in a reprimanding voice, "Now you're only looking to discredit Dumbledore."
Harry's sullen silence was all the proof she needed, and seeing as Ron was half asleep and Harry was sulking, Hermione took charge. She made Ron drink a pepper-up potion, which succeeded in making him wake up enough to move to their next class by himself.
Their first lesson was Transfiguration, which was a trial. Despite the pepper-up potion, Ron was almost dead on his feet. It was a testament of his strength and stubbornness that he was able to stay awake, but he was unable to transfigure his hamster. McGonagall gave him contemplating looks despite Harry and Hermione's attempts at covering for him.
During their first break, they visited Hagrid in the Hospital wing. He looked awfully out of place in the small hospital bed, which creaked ominously every time he moved. His arm and shoulder were wrapped in bandages, but part from that, he looked healthy and lit up when he saw them.
Eagerly he told them about his encounter with the werewolf and about the smaller wolf and the peculiar owl.
"But that's the Forbidden forest for yea. Never know what yea might run into."
"So the smaller wolf was protecting you against the werewolf?" asked Hermione.
"Yeah, pretty lucky too because it was a strong werewolf. Not very big but one of the most ferocious I've ever come across."
Ron, who had been staring unblinkingly at the curtain, suddenly blinked at what Hagrid had said. "Really! Ferocious? Would you say he was stronger than the little wolf?" he asked eagerly with a grin directed towards Harry. Harry snorted and smiled for the first time that day.
"That's not really the point Ron!" said Hermione disapprovingly. "Hagrid was injured!"
"Not too bad," Hagrid was quick to insert. "Madam Pomfrey said I would be able to leave for dinner. I dare say I look better than Ron," he said and glanced at Ron's disheveled appearance, which the glamour hadn't been able to hide completely.
"Slept bad tonight. Maybe it was the full moon," said Ron without batting an eye. "I'm looking forward to History of Magic, so I can catch up on some sleep," he added with a smile.
They talked little more before they left for their next lesson.
Ron did catch up on some sleep during History of Magic – so much in fact that they had trouble waking him up. In the Great Hall for lunch, they discovered just how much Dumbledore's words had affected the students. Everywhere they could hear students talking about the events, and they noticed that the students seemed to be divided into two camps. Many of those who believed that werewolves were evil had lost people to the werewolves and were very firm in their beliefs. Those who believed werewolves to be okay were sadly in the minority.
I hope this won't affect Remus, thought Harry worriedly as he watched Rose involved in a heated argument with a Ravenclaw boy about werewolves. Again we have been careless. He was starting to get annoyed with their reoccurring failures. But that at least is something I should be used to. His mood took another dive, and he gave an almost inaudible sigh. He glanced at Hermione and Ron who were whispering to each other. Making his decision he stood up.
"I'll go and post a letter to Remus," he said and left, waving half-heartedly to them as he left.
Hedwig was waiting for him in the owlery, and after he had tied the letter to her leg he petted her for awhile. I really wish there was something we could do for Remus and the other werewolves. I have to talk to Hermione.
He had just set Hedwig off on her mission when he felt someone approaching. He turned around in time to see Aloysius Crouch entering, a letter in his hand. He didn't immediately discover Harry, which gave him time to scrutinize the seventh year Slytherin. He looked like he had been sick for weeks. His skin was white and clammy with dark circles under his eyes. The hair was unkempt and his eyes looked red and sleep deprived. All in all, he looked pitiful.
Aloysius Crouch looked up towards the dozens of owls. "Zeus," he called softly, and a great barn owl swooped down and landed heavily on his shoulder. He tied the letter to the owl and said softly, "Give this to my mother and wait for a reply." He let the owl fly off and prepared to leave. Only then did Harry step out from the shadows he unconsciously had wrapped around himself.
Aloysius Crouch flinched when Harry emerged, but when he saw the fourth year old boy, he relaxed slightly and the weary expression disappeared behind a blank mask.
"And here is the little Gryffindor boy hiding in the shadows," he stated in a condescending voice.
"You look like you've been having trouble sleeping lately," retorted Harry in a passive voice. "Nightmares?"
Crouch flinched and raised his wand threateningly at Harry. "What do you know about it? Tell me!" he snarled.
Harry merely stared at him unimpressed. "What would I know about your nightmares?" Then he smirked and added, "Do you scream like a girl when you dream about the Crucio."
He easily sidestepped the curse thrown his way, he still hadn't bothered to draw his wand.
"What have you done to me?" Crouch demanded, his wand still trained at Harry even if he could see that Harry wasn't the least bit intimidated. It unsettled him slightly, and he felt wary about the way the boy stared at him with cold eyes. He felt his control over the situation slipping away, unaware of the fact that it had never been his in the first place.
"I didn't do anything, but I can't say I disapprove. People like you," here his calm appearance changed and he looked positively sinister, "deserve to feel the pain you inflict on others."
Crouch backed away when he saw the cruel smirk on Harry's lips and his wand shook. "You! You were the one! You put the Crucio on me!"
Harry neither denied nor affirmed; he just continued to study Crouch, who hadn't attacked him again, only shakily pointed his wand at Harry.
"And now you've done something to me! I can't sleep without feeling the curse every night!" He looked slightly crazy.
Harry felt the slightest bit of compassion for the Slytherin, but it disappeared as soon as he recalled the state of Eleanor when they had found her. "You have no idea how little your plight concerns me," he replied uncaringly and made to leave.
"Petrificus Totalus!" shouted Crouch, and yet again Harry dodged the spell.
In two quick steps he reached Crouch and, taking into consideration his smaller size, managed to kick him between his legs at the same time as he snatched the wand from Crouch. Crouch fell to the floor with a pained gasp, and Harry grasped his chin and forced him to look into Harry's eyes.
"Tut tut, that's just the kind of behavior we want to improve," he said in a patronizing voice, refusing to let go of his rather painful grip of Crouch's cheeks. It would leave a mark in the morning. "You don't attack without discrimination. You don't attack innocents," he said, his voice harsh.
"You're not innocent," snarled Crouch.
"I'm not, but Eleanor Branstone was. I want to see remorse in your eyes and forgiveness from the girl before I would even contemplate removing the curse."
Pride and conviction flashed in the Slytherins eyes. "Never!" he spat fiercely.
Harry responded by pushing him away from him. Before the Slytherin had gotten to his feet, he had reached the door. "Then there's nothing I can do. Have pleasant dreams."
He left the tower in a slightly better mood.
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Hermione hummed happily to herself as she left the kitchen, a cup of tea in her hand. She was finished reading for today, and she couldn't help to feel slightly satisfied at that. People who knew her often thought that she loved to read, that she didn't have a life outside of her books. But people like Harry and Ron knew that wasn't true. She loved knowledge – the books were a necessarily evil. The rest of the afternoon he would spend with Ron and Harry. They had roped her into playing a game of chess. With she and Harry playing against Ron, they might have chance.
"Hi Hermione," said a dreamy voice, and she turned around and found Luna sitting in a window looking out over the white grounds.
"Hi Luna," she said cheerfully before frowning and looking at her with concern. Luna was only dressed in a thin sweater and skirt. "Isn't it cold sitting here in the corridor? Isn't it warmer in your common room?"
"It is a bit cold, but… there was so much noise in the common room," she said distantly and turned her blue eyes on Hermione. Hermione didn't need Legilimency to figure out that Luna most likely had sought out this window to escape her fellow Ravenclaws. It also didn't take a genius to see that Luna indeed was a bit cold.
"Why don't you come with me? Are you good at chess? Harry and I are about to try and beat Ron," she offered hesitantly.
"I would like that. It was long since I've played chess. The chess pieces can never decide whether they like me or not."
"Harry has the same problem. It's very amusing to watch."
Struck by a sudden thought she asked, "Harry didn't ask you to go to the ball with him, did he?"
Luna looked surprised at her. "Yes he did, he asked me four days ago. It was very nice of him. I thought no one would like to go with me," she said in a happy voice, a small smile playing at her lips.
Hermione smiled back but inside she was frowning. She hoped that Harry had made it clear to Luna that they were only going as friends. She didn't want to ask out of fear of hurting the younger girl's feelings.
"Then I finally solved the mystery," she stated triumphantly. "Harry refused to say who his date was claiming it was a surprise. Making Ron mad it was," she said, almost adding "of jealousy" but managed to stop herself in the last second.
"Oh, I didn't know it was supposed to be a secret," Luna said with mild worry. "Do you think he will be cross with me?"
"No, if anything he will be cross with me for prying. Don't worry."
"I'm not worried. Harry is nice."
Hermione made an agreeing noise and decided to change the subject. "So, have you decided on what to wear and all that girly stuff?"
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It was two days before the ball when Aloysius Crouch finally gave in. His state of health had deteriorated so much that it had been a subject of gossip amongst the students, and Madam Pomfrey had even put him on a potion diet.
Harry was slightly surprised Crouch hadn't told on him, but he guessed it was only a matter of time, and Ron had already asked him to remove the curse so as to avoid suspicions being directed at them.
Crouch had sought them out after their last lesson and led them away from curious eyes. After Hermione had checked the room to make sure it was clear, they motioned for Crouch to talk.
"You have to release me from this curse. I'm going mad!" he said, and Harry was suddenly assaulted by the mental image of another deranged Lestrange. The world didn't need that. "I'll do anything you want!"
"We want some remorse," said Hermione coolly even if Harry could see her resolve dissolving.
"I do feel remorse, I'll never do it again, I've learnt my lesson!" he said franticly, and Harry saw the truth in his eyes. The lesson was learned, the remorse was still missing. He sighed and motioned to Hermione to remove the curse. She did so easily, and Crouch quickly slipped out from the room.
"We'll keep an eye on him," stated Ron unnecessarily.
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"Where are they?" said Ron impatiently as he walked back and forth in the Entrance Hall.
"Women always arrive fashionably late," said Harry calmly as he twirled the pink rose in his hand. It was six o'clock in the evening. The Yule ball was beginning in a few moments and the Entrance Hall was filling up with students dressed in robes of every imaginable colour.
All over the place pairs met up, some of the older boys offering a flower to their date. Giggles and eager anticipation filled the air.
Harry and Ron were dressed in their dress robes. Harry was dressed in the emerald green robes he had gotten from his sort-of-parents in birthday present. Ron was in dark blue robes Hermione had bought for him in Diagon Alley. The twins had planned on teasing him earlier but their teasing grins had slipped off their faces when they saw Ron's expensive clothes, much nicer than the twins own dress robes.
Harry glanced at Ron. He looked absolutely stunning in his robes – tall and regal with a physique that defied the laws of puberty. His hair reached slightly below his ears and looked like live flames. His bright blue eyes were confident and playful; he looked like a man of the world.
Yes Ron looked very attractive indeed. Harry was diverted from his gazing when Ron suddenly spotted someone behind Harry. His face split up in a beautiful smile.
"Ah here come our ladies!"
Harry turned around and smiled when he saw Hermione and Luna coming down from the stairs. Hermione was dressed in her periwinkle dress which seemed to flow around her. Harry noticed that it matched perfectly with Ron's clothes.
Luna was dressed in a white and pink dress, which only accentuated the slimness of her body, and Harry was forcefully reminded that Luna was still only thirteen. I hope no one will charge me for pedophilia, he thought blandly and looked at Ron who was openly smirking at him.
"You look beautiful Luna," he said kindly and offered the rose to her. She blushed slightly, and Harry was reminded for a second of the fairies muggles believed in, the kind that would dance enchantingly on a meadow in dawn break. Somehow he had no problem imagining Luna doing something like that.
"Thank you Harry Potter. Hermione helped me," she added.
"I gathered as much," said Harry and looked towards Hermione who had just finished greeting Ron. He caught her eyes and could see that the kiss she had just given Ron was meant just as much for him.
Hermione had somehow realized that Luna had been very apprehensive about the ball, not knowing what to wear or indeed how to get ready. It was very unlike their Luna, but it had only been a reminder to them that Luna was younger than their Luna had been when they befriended her, and neither Luna had had the comfort and guidance of a mother. Xenophilius Lovegood might have been a good and loving father, but as Hermione had said with derision, he wasn't good at the motherly duties.
So Hermione had taken Luna under her wing and had gotten them both ready for the ball. Harry and Ron had teased her mercilessly about it – something about her biological clock ticking.
It had been an interesting afternoon anyway. Hermione had never been much for make up, the few exceptions being the Yule ball and Bill and Fleur's wedding. But she knew how to do it and now they both looked splendid.
Harry hooked Luna's arm through his and lead her inside the hall followed by Ron and Hermione. Soon the hall was filled with students in colorful dress robes. They spotted Percy who gave them a small wave before he continued to look important. Amongst the hustle the headmasters and headmistress could be seen sitting down at the front of the room.
Suddenly there was a great hush on the hall and magical light, like fireworks, appeared silently round the doors, and through the ensuing sparkles stepped the champions.
Cedric was first, arm in arm with Cho, followed by Fleur and Roger Davies. When Victor Krum and a pretty girl from Beauxbatons entered. Ron nudged Hermione's arm. "Did Krum ask you to be his date this time?" he asked as Hermione turned a knowing look at him.
"Yes, two days after you had asked me. He bore up his disappointment rather well," she said with a small smile.
Last in was Neville and Ginny. Both looked rather splendid, and not a trace of discomfort could be seen on either face.
"They both thrive in the spotlight," commented Harry blandly, remembering his own disastrous Yule ball.
"If I had a flock of Gryttles in my head, then I too would look comfortable," said Luna calmly at his side.
Harry glanced at her. "Luna, you always look comfortable!" he said exasperatedly and added, "You sure you don't have a flock of Gryttles in your head?"
"I certainly hope not. They tend to be permanent after a week," was her reply.
There was a sense of grandness in the air as the Champions reached the Head table and Dumbledore motioned them to sit down. As they did so, the rest of the students quickly went about finding the best seats. In the short scramble that followed, Harry, Luna, Ron and Hermione ended up with Rose and Matthew. Harry and Ron pulled out the chair for their ladies; Matthew did the same after a pointed glare from Rose. Matthew looked extremely uncomfortable in his red silk robes; he kept twisting in his seats, looking everywhere.
"There's Fred and George! Can't we go and sit with them instead?" he asked Rose, who said no in a very firm voice.
"What a beautiful dress you have Rose," said Hermione kindly as they ordered food from their menus.
"Thank you, you too," replied Rose stiffly, looking with envy at Hermione, no doubt noticing that Hermione was, without doubt, one of the more beautiful girls in the room. Her overbite was gone due to Harry hitting her with the Densuego spell and then taking her to the Hospital wing to have Madam Pomfrey correct the teeth. That was a healing spell none of them knew.
Harry looked at the other couple sitting at their table; they were at least seventh years, and he though they might be Ravenclaws. Ron leaned over Hermione and whispered. "Fiona Perks and Will Troakes, they were killed in 98." Harry nodded absentmindedly; that's why he though he recognized them.
"What are you whispering about?" wondered Matthew. Harry looked away from the older couple; they had started to cuddle.
"Nothing, just that it's gonna be fun to see Dumbledore dance," said Harry easily.
"Dance!" groaned Matthew dismayed. "I won't dance," he continued stubbornly.
Rose looked scandalized. "You have to dance! What will I do otherwise? You. Will. Dance!"
"It's only one night Matthew," said Harry with a laugh.
After they had finished the food and the dessert, Dumbledore stood up and told the students to do the same, then, with a flick of his wand, he made all the tables and chairs jump to the side. A thunderous applause started up when people discovered that the Weird Sisters were playing.
The lights dimmed in the Great Hall, and students gathered around the walls, giving a wide birth to the champions and their dates, who slowly and dignifiedly stood up. As the band took up a slow waltz, the champions started to dance.
"Do you wanna dance?" asked Harry as he held out his hand to Luna.
Luna smiled and bounced up, taking Harry's offered hand in a surprisingly strong grip. "I have never danced with anyone before," she commented off-handedly as she pulled him towards the dance floor.
"You don't seem worried though."
"Of course not," she turned to Harry and looked at him imploringly, "It's not dangerous is it? No risk of losing limbs or contracting some malign illness?"
"Not that I know of," laughed Harry as he put his hand around her waist.
He still hadn't had much practice with dancing except for the few times he and Ron had practiced in the Room of Requirement before the ball. It went easily enough now though. Maybe it depends on how confident you are, Harry thought as he spun Luna around.
At first it had only been the two of them, the champions and a couple of teachers on the dance floor. The rest of the students were still standing awkwardly at the sides. He could see Ron and Hermione entering the dance floor, prompting a clutter of students to follow them.
This is fun, Harry thought wistfully as he remembered his own ball. He could have done so much more, especially if he had given Parvati a chance. Luna was unlike anyone Harry had ever danced with. She didn't seem to follow any particular dance moves and wasn't at all concerned with the fact that Harry was supposed to lead. Softly humming to herself, she would sometimes spin around and move in a different direction, leaving Harry to catch up with her.
When the third waltz ended, they both took a break. Harry got them both drinks before they drifted to the background where they made small talk and studied some of the decorations. Soon, however, Harry found his attention slipping back to Ron and Hermione who were still dancing.
"You should join them," said Luna suddenly.
Harry turned to look at her, well aware of the fact that he had been staring rather wistfully at his significant others for some time.
"Oh I didn't know you wanted to dance more," he said and continued, "Why don't we dance for the next song?" he suggested.
"No, I mean, why don't you dance with Ron and Hermione?"
"You think Ron would approve of me stealing his date for the night?" he asked good-naturedly.
"I can't see why he would be angry. You are a couple after all."
At this Harry turned around and gave her his full attention. "What do you mean?" he asked. It came out a little sharper than he had intended. Luna seemed unperturbed though.
"You are together, all three of you, like a threesome," she said and gazed up in Harry's face as if her revelation was completely normal. .
He hesitated. It wasn't that big a secret, nothing that could jeopardize the war effort, but still, it was private. And how well did they know this Luna, and how well did they trust her mental defenses?
"How did you know?" he said finally, seeing no point in lying to her.
"You belong to each other," she said simply. "You are drawn to each other, like a niffler to something shiny."
"So you're not mad at me for asking you out… despite being with someone else?"
"No, I knew when you asked. I knew we are only going as friends."
"Oh good." They were silent for a while before Luna broke it again. Harry's eyes had again sought out Ron and Hermione.
"You are not going to dance with them?"
"What?... No, have to keep up appearances you know," he said, completely honest. "I might dance with Hermione later though," he added thoughtfully. Suddenly he thought of something and turned to Luna. "You don't think anyone else has noticed our little triad?"
Luna tilted her head sideways and took on a contemplative look before shaking his head. "No, I don't think so, but then again you try not to draw attention to yourselves, right?"
"You are right," laughed Harry. "The wizarding world is still not too fond of people being different; if we tell anyone, then it'll be on our own terms."
Suddenly his gaze shifted to something in the corner of his eye. There on one of the garlands sat a fat and smug-looking beetle.
"Oh how strange," said Luna curiously as she too spotted the bug. "I've never seen a bug in the winter before!"
"Maybe it's not a bug at all," said Harry with narrowed eyes. The bug started to inch away. It extended its wings and in the blink of an eye took off. Faster than lightening, Harry's hand shot out and caught the fleeing beetle in his hand as if it had been a snitch.
The beetle buzzed angrily from inside his fist, and Harry felt it poking towards the inside of his hand in an attempt to escape.
"Maybe it's a Nargle," she said in an interested voice and leaned closer so her nose was almost touching Harry's hand.
Harry made a slightly agreeing noise. He focused on the bug in his hand, and with a concentrated burst of magic, invaded the mind of the beetle, which was suspiciously… human.
Obliviate. The beetle immediately stopped its struggles. Harry opened his hand, and they looked at the beetle, which now wagged drunkenly back and forth. Harry wasn't sure how Obliviate worked on Animaguses, but he thought it had worked.
"Do you want it?" he asked Luna innocently. "You can put it in a jar and study it."
"Really! Thank you." She gently scooped up the beetle in her hand.
"Here, so it doesn't get away," said Harry and petrified it with his wand. With one last poke on the beetle, Luna unceremoniously put the beetle in a pocket on her dress.
At that moment Hermione and Ron came back. Hermione were fanning herself with her hand.
"Gosh it's hot in here," said Hermione. "I'm positively boiling. Ron was dancing so fast it was almost like running instead of dancing."
"I think the waltz is too slow," muttered Ron with a sheepish smile.
"I think that too," said Luna and fixed her big imploring eyes on Ron. "Do you want to dance with me? We could dance faster than everyone else here!"
"Um… I don't know, what about Hermione…"
"She can dance with Harry," said Luna immediately.
Ron seemed taken back. "Yes, but she's …um my date," he reminded her.
"But what about Harry then?" asked Luna in an airy voice.
"What…" Ron glanced at Harry for help.
"She knows Ron," he said reassuringly.
"She does? How on earth did she know? I mean, if we are talking about the same thing," said Ron sheepishly.
"I know about you three being together," said Luna innocently.
Hermione snorted. "Go figure, and here we thought we were so careful."
"I think it's interesting," said Luna brightly. "Maybe I can convince Dad to write about it in the paper someday." She was silent for a moment and they watched her as she got a curious expression on her face. She looked innocently at Ron. "I just wonder, how do you have se…"
"I think that's enough Luna, time to dance," interrupted Harry and dragged her over to Ron, who still stared gobsmacked at Luna. A light blush had started on his cheeks. "I hope you don't mind this free-spirited lady Ron?" said Harry as he disposed Luna in Ron's arm.
"No of course not," Ron said after he had regained his composure. He turned to Luna and said sternly, "No talking about sex on the dance floor."
Luna just smiled serenely at him, and Ron's lips twitched before he gave one last glance at Harry and Hermione and lead her out on the dance floor.
"One would think she'd stop surprising you after awhile…" said Hermione as she stared after them. They stopped on the middle of the dance floor where they took each others hands and started to waltz so fast that people left a wide berth around them. It looked more like they had ants crawling all over them.
She looked at Harry. "How did she find out?"
"I didn't tell her…well I did after she had already said it out loud. She noticed us... how drawn we were to each other."
"And still we have been so careful." She shook her head.
"Not much to do about it now. Do you wanna dance?" he asked and bowed lightly.
She smiled and took his hand. "I'd love to."
They entered the dance floor, and Harry put his arm around her waist. Dancing with Hermione was completely different from dancing with Luna. Hermione leaned lightly like a feather against his arm and followed him easily in all turns and spins. She always seemed to know where and what he wanted to do, like they were one entity.
"It was long since we did something like this," sighed Hermione and moved slightly closer as the music shifted to a slower tempo. He looked into her eyes and knew that she wasn't only talking about their time in this world.
"I don't think we have ever done something like this," reminded Harry gently.
"True," mumbled Hermione, lost in thought.
"But we're only fourteen; we have plenty of time left."
"True," repeated Hermione and quickly, not giving him time to react, leaned up and gave him a chaste kiss on his lips.
"Silly girl," he murmured as he moved them away from the center of the room to one of the darker corners. He couldn't find it in him to rebuke her though. "Silly girl," he murmured again, and Hermione could feel the telltale sign of magic wards going up around them – strong notice-me-not wards.
"Who is the obvious one now?" she asked and smiled as Harry leaned forward and returned her kiss.
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"Good night Luna," said Harry and gave the younger girl a hug. They were standing outside of Ravenclaw's common room, where they had walked Luna after the ball. She hadn't seemed surprised that they knew the way to her common room.
She yawned widely and nodded at him. "Good night Harry. I had fun. Good night Ron and Hermione."
She turned to the eagle doorknocker and knocked once.
A soft voice asked, "Two things always trying to destroy the other. Yet one can't exist without the other. What are they?" Hermione opened her mouth eagerly to answer before she remembered were she was and closed her mouth with a snap. She looked a bit disappointed when Luna spoke up.
"That's an interesting one," said Luna serenely before answering, "Light and Darkness."
"That it is," replied the voice and the door swung open.
"Oh, and thanks Harry for the Nargle," Luna said and held up the slightly disheveled bug from her pocket.
Ron and Hermione took one look at the bug before they started to crack up. When the door closed after Luna, Ron and Hermione turned to him.
"Was that…"
"Yes, Rita Skeeter, sneaking around."
Ron started laughing, and Hermione started to giggle uncontrollably as Harry explained what he had done to the nosy reporter.
"Nothing more than she deserves, but Merlin, I wish I could see her face when she finally manages to escape Luna's care," said Hermione, mirth still evident in her voice.
"You're an idiot Black!" The angry shout kept Harry from replying, and they slowed down and glanced around the corner.
Snape, James and Sirius were in the next corridor, shouting at each other. Sirius seemed a bit unbalanced and was lazily waving his wand in the air. James and Snape on the other hand seemed to be more sober, but the difference was miniscule seeing how furious they both were.
"I don't care what everyone says Snape! You're not changed! You're still that slimy sniveling little bastard you were in school."
"Snivellus!" snorted Sirius at his side. He was lazily playing with his wand, looking at Snape with a predatory eye.
"You're both idiots," hissed Snape. He was squeezing his wand so hard his hand was turning white. Harry could see how Snape yearned to hex his former classmates. "I don't care what you and your cohorts think about me Potter."
"Then maybe you care of what the auror office thinks of you!"
"What do you mean!"
"Had any more secret meetings with Malfoy lately? Sneaking off in the middle of the night," said Sirius suddenly, the careless façade gone.
"You're spying on me?" growled Snape furiously.
"More like keeping an eye on suspect individuals. Dumbledore might believe you're redeemed…"
"Lily believes Dumbledore; she believes me," said Snape in a voice that was oddly victorious.
"You stay away from her! I don't want you anywhere near my family!" shouted James, suddenly looking furious. He took a step forward, and Sirius had to grab his robes to prevent him from attacking Snape.
"You can't dictate who she can or can't see. She's a free being!" retorted Snape who looked just as furious as James. Harry suddenly remembered that, according to Dumbledore, Snape had loved Lily, truly loved her.
"I don't dictate anything for her. If she wants to see a swine like you, who am I to stop her? But I warn you, if you ever hurt her, I'll hunt you down and then I'll kill you."
"You're making me shake in fear," sneered Snape.
"It might be difficult for you to understand," sneered James.
"What are you implying?" asked Snape through clenched teeth.
"I mean," said James in a carefully controlled voice. "It might be difficult for you to understand love, seeing as you don't have anyone to love but…"
Harry knew what was coming even before Snape had raised his wand. James and Sirius were a bit slower though, and the yellow cutting curse slashed James' leg. James and Sirius both spun around and showed just why they were aurors. In just seconds Snape had lost his wand, and James had returned the cutting curse.
"Hm… attacking aurors is a serious offence," said Sirius offhandedly and raised his wand at Snape, who had frozen. "What shall we do with him?"
"Take him with us to auror office? Then maybe we'll finally get him away from children…"
"I've enough of this. Harry do something!" whispered Hermione angrily as Sirius and James discussed what they were going to do with Snape.
"What do you suggest? He was the one who cursed first," replied Harry, who wasn't going to go to any extraordinary lengths to save Snape.
"Only after they had provoked him," hissed Hermione.
Surprisingly Ron came to Hermione's aid. "Yeah mate, after what they said to Snape… they deserve to be cursed."
Noticing he was outnumbered, Harry nodded and pulled out his wand. "Okay okay, we'll save Snape, but don't expect him to thank us."
"Thought never crossed my mind," said Ron good-naturedly.
"So… how are we going to do this?" he wondered out loud.
"Easiest would be to stun them," suggested Ron, who had noticed that Snape had started to look a bit pale.
"Imperius would make less of a mess," retorted Harry.
Hermione, who was growing tired of their slowly progressing discussion, suddenly pulled her wand and stepped around the corner. James and Sirius had their backs towards her and didn't see when she waved her wand and whispered for Harry and Ron's sake. "Perpello!" She repeated the spell and watched in satisfaction as both of them were hit. They stood still for a second before James slapped his forehead.
"Damn it! We forgot to lock the door to our quarters!"
"We need to do it immediately," said Sirius, who seemed to have forgotten Snape. They turned around and walked towards the corner were the trio was hiding. Ron had pulled back Hermione, and Harry concentrated briefly and shrouded them in shadows. If James and Sirius hadn't been in such a hurry when they stormed past, they might have discovered them. As it were now, they could only think to lock an already locked door.
"Nice compulsion charm," complimented Ron. Hermione smiled.
"Maybe you should follow them and make sure they don't cause anymore trouble. I'll check on Snape," said Harry.
The other two nodded and sped after the two aurors. "Try to get back Snape's wand too!" called Harry after them.
Snape had already disappeared from the corridor when Harry stepped around the corner. It wasn't hard to guess where he had gone though, and Harry ran down the corridor so fast, one would almost think he was flying.
He soon caught up with Snape, who was limping not far away from his office.
"Professor Snape?" he inquired as he slowed down just beside him. Startled, Snape went for his wand, but when he saw Harry, his hand returned from his pocket.
"Potter! 50 points from Gryffindor!" Harry couldn't help but notice that Snape shouted his name with more vitriol than usual. "What are you doing here? It's long after curfew."
"I wanted to check on you. My father's curse hit you good," said Harry solemnly, paying no heed to Snape's words. He was looking the potions master up and down, noticing the dark stain on his clothes.
"It's none of your concern! Now if you don't leave within two seconds, points will not be the only thing you lose."
Harry didn't much care for the threat but was keeping his distance from the Professor, who was clearly in pain.
"I don't need anymore Potters gloating, and I will not be hearing a word of this tomorrow!"
When Harry didn't answer him he shouted. "Get out of my sight Potter!" Had Harry been fourteen he would have run by now, all concerns about his potions master discarded. Now he wasn't the least scared of Snape anymore. And when Snape had started to shout Harry just remained passive, something that seemed to infuriate Snape even more.
"Do you think I enjoyed watching my father acting like a drunk buffoon?" asked Harry as he took a step closer to Snape.
"It wouldn't surprise me – like father like son. I'll give you detention for a week for this Potter."
"I'll let you know that I'm very different from my father," said Harry calmly before his arm shoot out and gripped Snape's arm when the man stumbled. "I don't think you are in any shape to fight now sir," he said quietly when Snape struggled. Up close he noticed that Snape was shaking and that his breathing was shallow. He wondered how deep the cutting curse had cut to affect the stoic potions master this much. "You should be going to the hospital wing." But when he attempted to walk towards the hospital wing, Snape refused to move.
"No, I'll go to my quarters. Let go of me Potter!" Harry refused to let go though and, ignoring the murderous looks Snape sent his way, took them down to Snape's quarters in the dungeons.
Unlocking the door Snape stumbled inside and over to a small cabinet filled with vials. Harry followed and closed the door, thinking Snape didn't want anyone to see him in this state.
"Here let me do it," said Harry and firmly pushed Snape down in a chair.
"Potter, I demand you leave my rooms at once or you'll find yourself with detentions for the rest of the year!" threatened Snape, but he didn't try to get up from the chair.
"Be quiet will you. We both know by now that I care very little for your threats," said Harry as he searched the potions cabinet. Snape oddly enough had no retort to this, and when Harry turned around with two vials in his hand, he found Snape staring at him with an odd searching look.
Putting down the vials on a small table, he moved to remove Snape's clothes.
"I can do it myself," snarled Snape in a quiet voice, and Harry sat back down.
"By all means do," he said amiably and hissed with sympathy when he saw the deep wound. He gently prodded it, ignoring Snape's sharp gasp of pain. He took the two vials and held out the first one to Snape. "Here, this one is to stop the bleeding."
Snape took it with a suspicious look. "With your knowledge of potions I wouldn't be surprised if it is poison." He examined it against the light before sniffing it.
"Satisfied? It's a wound closing potion, not poison, promise," said Harry in exasperation.
"Hmph, I don't trust Potters…"
"Just drink it all ready. If it's poison, I'll go to Azkaban for killing my professor. Won't that be a suitable revenge against my father?"
"It would if only for the downside that I'll be dead as well." Snape, having decided that the vial contained only a harmless healing potion, downed it in one go.
"See, that wasn't so difficult was it," said Harry dryly and held out the other vial.
"Pain reducing potion?"
"Thought you might need it."
After another check to see if it really was a pain reducing potion, Snape drank the second potion and visibly relaxed. Harry took the moment to prod the wound again.
"Hmm, I wondered where my father learnt a cutting curse like this. It is definitely borderline Dark. The wound would just have kept growing till you died. Not really part of the usual auror arsenal."
"Maybe he picked it up from all the scum they are bringing in everyday," said Snape in a neutral voice. He had yet again that calculating look in his eyes, like Harry was a mystery that needed to be solved.
Harry ignored that in favor of studying the wound. He had seen a wound like that many times. He knew by now that it needed tending to for at least a week longer, otherwise it might start to bleed again. "Maybe," he said in answer to Snape's theory. "In any case it's lucky that we were walking by."
"I could have taken care of it myself."
"You were wandless," countered Harry.
Snape didn't retort to this but realized what Harry had said before that. "You were there? You, Weasley and Granger?"
Harry nodded and waved his wand, conjuring a pack of bandages. Snape narrowed his eyes at the wordless conjuring but didn't comment on it.
"You were the ones who got Potter and Black to leave."
"It was Hermione actually. She hit them with a compulsion charm. Ron and Hermione followed them; they're going to get back your wand," said Harry as he easily bandaged the wound. A skill learnt from a lot of practice.
"Why did you do it? Why did you help me?"
Harry paused and looked at Snape. When he finally spoke, it was in a low measured voice. "We might not like you… or trust you, but we like people playing unfairly even less. And two people tormenting someone who has already lost his wand is very unfair."
Snape didn't get a chance to answer before a couple of soft knocks were heard on the door.
"Don't open it;" said Snape and hastily covered his now bandaged wound.
Harry swiftly stood up and moved to the door. "Don't worry, they are friends." He opened the door and let Ron and Hermione in. Ron lingered in the door, but Hermione went over to Snape and held out her hand.
"Your wand professor," she said simply.
Snape snatched up the wand in her outstretched hand. For a second he seemed to struggle before biting out, "Thank you… now get out!"
The trio smirked at each other before leaving the room. Harry was the last to leave, but before he closed the door, he looked back. "And professor? Make sure to check that wound for at least a week, otherwise it might split open again." He closed the door and joined Hermione and Ron.
They were only partly aware of just how curious they had made their potions professor and just how closely he would scrutinize them in the future.
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So chapter 19 finished at last! It was the most difficult so far and you all probably noticed – it took more than four months to write. I'm not too happy with it, not much happened and the ball scene could have been better.
Loads of thanks to my beta, great work as always.
Also thanks to everyone who reviews; I especially like all little suggestions that you make all the time. Some are really good.
Thanks for reading

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