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I wake up surrounded by trees, I stretch out ready for another day to live, die or be caught and expiremented on. I walk across the canopy I made when I was hiding, trying to see if they would ever find me again. I grab my spear that took me a day to make up here. I walk silently across the canopy, spear in hand, I lay down and look over the edge, maybe a 150 f.t drop? I climb down, head first, my paw like hands sticking to the treebark. I go to the stream, look at the water carefully and then think of a ball, next thing I knew, some water came up from the stream and formed a ball that would show me where food was.


Some things my picture doesn't show you is I start growing a tail, I have black wings that I can fly with, but I can't fly for long periods of time, I have telekinesis, i can shape shift, and I have a sister I can't find.

???'s POV
Beep beep beep "where is she!?" I shouted with frustration. I have been looking for her ever since she escaped, the shapeshifting little devil. It's been almost 2 months since she escaped. Fortunately I injected a tracking device in the skin on the back of her neck.

The first day I finished making the canopy, I felt all around me, seeing if I was hurt, my neck had a little lump in it so I pushed against the lump and held a tracking device in my hand. I put it back in my skin pouch and ran across the tree branches and found a little stream about a 4 hour journey from my cave, I dug a little hole in the mud with my hand and put the tracking device in it, packed it with a stone on top and ran back to my cave.

???'s POV
"Beep,beep,beep,beep,beep " went the locator. "Finally!" I almost screamed with joy, seeing a little red dot appear on the blank grid.

???'s POV
"Get 60 of my men out there, Gary come with me", I couldn't help, but rub my hands with glee when I showed Gary the tracking machine. "Subject 0.1 located", repeated the computer hooked up to all the other machines. "Is this really subject 0.1?" Gary said in disbelief. "You got to let me come help find-and-take this subject, it's the subject of the year!"Gary pleaded me, almost on his knees. "This is why I brought you here, because you are coming to help find-and-take this subject."I said to him grinning from ear to ear. "No, you can't, not my sister!"subject 1.1 screeched out from behind me. I was shocked that she could actually talk being chained up, put in a cage, zapped with electricity, tested on, even abused to sky-high levels. "Now your going to start talking, after all that, you could've just said something and none of this could've happened." I said to the now trembling subject 1.1.

???'s POV
"Oh no" I said under my breath when the background around me started fading, because I knew something really bad was going to happen.

I winced when I felt a jolt of pain enter my body, I was pretty irritated, but curious of where the sudden pains were coming from. I felt like I was being watched, but turned around to see just trees. By the way, my name's Zhila, and heck did I miss Skylar! We are twins, we lost each other at the same time, and both hated being watched. I went back to my cave when the sun started to set, casting a beautiful arora on the sky. My last thought was seeing my sister and not having to worry about "Dr. Hans" anymore.

Dr.Hans POV
There was a rock on the tracking device under some mud and I picked it up and threw it at a tree as hard as I could. I walked around the woods, climbed up a tree about a 4 hour hike for my men and I, and could here the faintest snoring as I aproched a cave burrowed in a mountain. "This is it, I was going to get my hands on 0.1 . . .


I wake up to a steady beeping sound and metal clanging, making me shake. "Zhila, Zhila please wake up." Pleaded, it can't be . . .


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