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"Thank you once again." Jordan smiled at the older Black man in the drivers seat, getting out the car after her sister.

Out of all of her Uber rides, Jordan could admit the ride to her cousin's house was going to be the most memorable

"It's not a problem thank you and your sister for being respectful and such an enjoyment today. And I also want to send my condolences to you guys Grandmother, may she rest in peace and you two enjoy being back home. Chicago may have its flaws but there's no place like the city."

"Thank you and we will."  The girls smiled.

It'd been a few days since the girls had cracked a true smile, so they were very appreciative of his generosity and caring nature towards them, it made their hearts less heavy.

"You texted him?"

Jordan closed the trunk once she grabbed both of her suitcases, placing them on the sidewalk to look at her older sister Jalani with her phone in her hand.

"Yeah he said him or Nunu coming."

Jordan looked around the block noticing the houses didn't change much since she left. There were a few familiar people from her childhood sitting on their porches. She was glad to see porches again since there weren't that many where she lived back in Memphis.

"I missed Chicago." Jordan voiced, turning to look at her sister who had a small frown on her face.

"Cheer up Stink, Nana chillin while you frowning." Jalani eyes slowly turned to Jordan, looking at her younger sister who held the same face– making her crack a smile.

"You right she probably having a ball right now. It's just– I wasn't ready for her to go."

Between the two girls, Jalani had the closer relationship with their Grandmother. Jalani being slight older, she was more aware about what was going on in their lives. Her curious nature led to asking their Nana a million and one questions, and some answers she didn't like but she knew were important for her to know.

"Yeah Nana wrong for leaving like that. But she still here with us, you know that." Jordan grins, hugging onto Jalani who instantly hugged her back.

"I love you so much sister, I know it's hard but can you at least try to give Chicago a chance? Don't let them get under your skin so easily unless it's valid."

Jordan hesitantly nodded. "I mean.. I can try. Hopefully niggas grew up out of the shit they was on at fourteen."

The door opens revealing their older cousins Durk and Nuski, coming down the porch steps. "Damn y'all got tall as hell."

"Y'all go inside we got y'all bags." Jordan nods grabbing her sister's hand, walking up the steps first.

If people didn't know any better, they'd think Jordan was older than Jalani due to the way she acts and how protective she is. And her being taller only made the assumptions come even more. But Jordan or Jalani didn't mind, they actually liked when they'd shock people with the truth.

Looking around the house, it was more guys in the room, some with dreads, fades, and mohawks as well.

Jordan snickered. "Why this nigga got a mohawk g."

Nudging Jordan, Jalani shook her head with a small smile on her face. "Be nice they could probably be cool as hell."

The boys turned to look the girls making Jordan wave out of habit. Jordan was never a fan of people staring at her as she either felt it or felt slightly threatened by the stare of others, as back in Memphis she'd have to fight immediately after.

Behind the girls came in Durk and Nuski with their bags and suitcases, placing them against the wall by the stairs.

"Shit my bad y'all, these the boys Rondo, Tay, and L'a." Durk points at each boy in order. Jordan fought the smile on her face at Rondo with his mohawk and instead waved at each other them.

"And these are my lil cousins, Lani and Lil Jb. Lil Jb the one I was telling y'all about who going to Simeon with y'all."

"Simeon? Why I can't go to Kenwood or something?"

"Cause that's where most of the opps at. You coulda went to Hyde Park but ain't nobody ova there to make sure you straight. Simeon a good school but we also gon feel better knowing the boys there to check on you."

"Damn you'on wanna hang wit us? We cool folks." Rondo joked earning a smile from Jordan.

"Nah it's not even that I always wanted to go to Kenwood for some reason. But Simeon cool they colors decent and since y'all there I guess I won't be as alone." She shrugs.

Tay sat up from couch with concern in his face. "Aye you be fighting forreal? Durk made it seem like you be beating bitches to a pulp."

Jordan made a face shrugging her shoulders. "I just defend myself that's all. How they end up after the fight don't got nothin to do with me."

The boys looked at each other before laughing, shaking their heads in disbelief. "Hell nah foe, you funny as hell."

"Don't be laughing at that shit cause we need to make sure she don't fight. Don't gotta babysit ha or nothin but if any of them bitches act like they onnat wit ha end that shit."

Jalani nodded in agreement. "Forreal. She can handle herself but sometimes her anger gets the best of her. We just want lil JB to graduate with no issues in Chicago."

Jordan rolled her eyes. "I wanna graduate too so I can get this shit over with. Ion see how you graduate and decided that four more years of school is exciting. I'm over it."

"Exciting is a stretch but college is way better than high school. But I'm about to go unpack. It was nice meeting y'all." Jalani waves at the boys before going up the stairs to her room.

"She fine as hell."

Jordan snapped her head towards Tay. "Fine and unavailable so don't even try to get put on with my sister."

Rondo looked at Tay before busting out laughing. "You right but damn she ended that before it even started. What grade you in lil JB?"

"I'm a senior, y'all seniors too?"

Rondo nods. "Yessirrr and we ready to get out that jam. Shit a waste of time and I'm losing money spending my time in school when I could be rapping. We gon make sure you straight though, on sixo."

Jordan chuckled. "I appreciate it.



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yeen ready.

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