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"Mistress, Kreature has missed you. He has been lonely without your company." Kreature said to Estella as he help stand Estella. "Kreature can't begin to tell you how happy he is to see you."

"Kreature, I missed you too." Estella told Kreature.

In her heart, Estella knew that something was wrong. The way 'James' was acting like he had no idea who she was. Now Kreature is telling her how happy he is to see her. He was acting like he hasn't seen her in years. 'Lonely without your company' Kreature has mum and dad for company and they all seem to quite enjoy each other company. Everyone knew that Kreature favourite member was Regulus. She just found it odd the way he was acting. Odd the way everyone was acting.

"Kreature, is mum and dad ok? I was waiting for them at the station but I never saw them. I couldn't find Reggie anywhere. I think I must have walked up and down the train at least 3 times looking for him. I was looking in every carriage and there was no sign of him. I hope he didn't miss the train." Estella said.

By the look on everyone faces, she knew she had said something wrong. Kreature looked like he was going to start crying at any moment. Sirius, who had been oddly quite since Kreature had thrown him into the cabinet, kept on giving Estella weird looks. It was like he was trying work out if she was real.

"It's mum isn't, she dead." Estella asked.

"What make you think that mum is dead." Sirius asked. Now he felt like he was the one missing something.

"Because mum had been dying for the last 5 years! You wouldn't know because you didn't care. You never once asked if she was ok. Every day for the last 5 years she was in pain but she keep on going not for herself but for her children. We was the most important thing in her life." Estella told Sirius.

"Most important thing in her life? Please, Mum only ever though of herself."

"You're one to talk about only ever thinking about their self. Who was the one who walked out on this family. Who didn't leave without even saying goodbye. Not realising the consequences that your actions had on everyone else life." Estella shouted at Sirius.

Remus went and stood between the two Black siblings. The knew that in a second there would probably be a fight starting out between them and that wasn't needed at the moment. Remus had any questions for Estella because she has been missing for 17 years. No one knew where she went. They all knew that she never came home. Remus whispered something in Sirius ear and he nodded in agreement.

"I know you're going to hate me even more for what I am going to do. But i need to take sure." Sirius said. Estella had no idea what he was talking about. Sirius grab his wand and make Estella to sit down on a chair. Rope started to form and went around her arms and legs.

2.0 TIMETURNER | HARRY JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now