Earth Angel (g.w)

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Summary: As a transfer from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic in France, you seem to have caught the attention of a particular redheaded twin. And he's in doubt that you're actually a being from this universe.

Reader's House: not said

Warnings: none! just LOTS of fluff!!!

A/N: sorry it's taken me forever to get another fic out! I've just had some major writers block lately when it comes to the twins. but here this is! and all i can say is that i absolutely adore it! i was listening to love songs from the 50′s when Earth Angel (Will You Be Mine) by The Penguins came on and this idea struck me! i hope you all love it as much as i do! if you enjoy my writing please consider buying me a coffee! the link to kofi is on my profile!

Word Count: 2,113

The day had started just like every other

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The day had started just like every other. George ate breakfast with Fred in the Great Hall and then the two went to potions. After that, they left some dung bombs under Professor Snape's desk, cackling with laughter as they raced down the hall away from the angry greasy-haired man. Of course, they ended up with detention for the next three days. But what was new? Now the two had a free period. They'd decided to spend it in the courtyard, watching everyone that walked in and out of the open area, surveying possible pranking options. Everything was normal. Well, that was until someone new entered the picture. George saw you enter the courtyard and he almost passed out then and there at the sight.

George stared with wide eyes as you walked across the courtyard, your hair flowing behind you and your house scarf wrapped around your neck. Fred stood beside him, unaware of who'd caught his brother's eye. He blabbed about a new prank idea that he had come up with that morning but George couldn't hear a word his twin was saying, the only thing on his mind right now was the enchanting being that was walking in front of him.

"Hello? Earth to George? Did you hear a word I said?" Fred called out, waving a hand in front of George's face, as he finally realized George wasn't paying any attention.

"Do you see her Fred? Godric... She looks absolutely heavenly..." George mumbled, completely ignoring what Fred had asked.

Fred rolled his eyes but followed his twin's line of sight, his eyes landing on you. "Well, I'll be damned Georgie. Finally fallen for crusty ol' Filch, have you?" Fred teased, elbowing his brother lightly.

George let out a groan and moved Fred's head in the direction of you, where you were now standing with some others in your house. "Not him you git. Her." George mumbled, his eyes not leaving you.

Fred's eyes widened at the sight, not expecting to see someone like you. "Where the hell did she come from? Reckon she's part Veela? Considering how beautiful she is and how mesmerized you are," He asked, looking between his twin and the girl.

George again ignored his brother's words, instead settling on just continuing to stare at you. The expression on his face could only be described as one of a love-struck puppy. Suddenly, you turned your head and locked eyes with your admirer. George's eyes widened and he quickly looked away, turning to face his brother with a frazzled look. You couldn't help but giggle as a light pink dusted your cheeks. You had to admit, the taller boy was rather cute. You kept your eyes on him as he whispered something to his twin brother who then glanced at you before nodding. You could almost hear his groan as he ran his hands over his face in embarrassment. With a sudden burst of courage, you walked over to the twins, your head held high and a smile on your lips.

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