Chapter One- The First Day

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Mae's POV
My first day at the DWMA had to be my best, so let's start there.

I walked up to the stairs of the DWMA and gazed at the gorgeous building, "Wow!", I said in amazement, "this is the academy.. It's just amazing!"
A voice came up behind me right in the middle of my amazement, a female voice I recognized yet forgot the name of its owner.
"Yep. My brother sent me pictures", said the voice as it came up as though walking towards me.
I turned around and jerked, "Who are you?"
"Your scythe, dummy."
"Oh... What's your name again?"
"JILLIAN FREAKING EVANS!", screamed 'Jillian Freaking Evans'.
"Oh.. I'm sorry, my bad."
She then swung her fist towards my face but stopped at the very tip of my nose: I stepped backwards. She walked towards me, I walked backwards. This happened until she mumbles, "Scaredy-Cat...", I then walked backwards one step, then bumped into a guy with black hair and three white stripes on the left side of his hair.
"Oh, I'm, um, I'm so sorry..."
He studied me for moments, then shouted, "Your not symmetrical!", suddenly two blonde girls walked to the sides of him. The shorter one said, "OOOO! You got him mad now!", then the taller one said, "Don't worry, he's just insane."
Jillian then grabbed my wrist and pulled me, running away, "Where are we going?!", I said,
"To our dorm, to move in, DUH!", she replied. We then stopped at our dorm. We walked in. She brought a tiny tote bag and a trombone case.
"Do you play trombone?", I asked,
"NO!", she said, stuffing it in her closet.
I then shrugged, then walked into an empty room, the smallest.
"Oh..", I said, realizing I got the smallest bedroom.
"Live with it.", grumbled my scythe.
I then walked inside and unpacked, then collapsed on my bed. It getting darker and fuzzier in my vision, until it was all pitch black.

。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。 Did you guys like it? I hope so!!!! If you did please vote and ★+!!! Don't forget to follow to make us pumped up like Natsu. Mkay, Chapter 2 will be coming soon. Hopefully another characters POV. Speaking of which, POV means POINT OF VIEW. We chose Mae first because Kayla (Mae is based off Kayla and Kayla is the one writing this thing right here dun dun dun) was writing the first chapter.
Okay, bye!!

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