Episode 5

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I hope there are no mistakes but in case I apologize.

Episode 5

The three of us found ourselves drenched in sweat.

Our hearts were pounding because of all the adrenaline that was still running through our veins.

We were in a room that had served as our cell for who knows how many days; with a man who had fainted, and another, who was about to find himself in the same situation as his colleague.

Yuki raised his head, he couldn’t stay still. He did nothing but shift his weight first on one foot and then on the other; until he realized he had bit his lip so hard that his mouth was flooded with blood.

How had he not realized it?

That thought was instantly ignored when he realized they were finally free.

He and his parents looked at each other for a moment and then immediately started moving again, sure of what they should do now.


I took the knife and freed my father first, since he was the one closest to me, and then my mother. They both massaged their respective wrists and then returned in action.

We quickly tied the two ex-jailers with the same ropes that had kept us stuck until recently and sighed simultaneously.

Now that we were sure that the two guards couldn't move and wouldn't have a chance to attack us, we felt safer, ready to carry out our plan.

We looked into each other's eyes and, when I took a step forward, that moment of total loss that we were feeling was broken. My parents did the same, until I found myself in the middle of a group hug.

Our first real human contact that could be defined as such in weeks.

I could not hold back the tears and, when I raised my head, I was greeted by beaming smiles and wet, but at the same time full of life, eyes. If I could have seen myself in the mirror at that moment, I would have found reflected in it an expression identical to theirs.

We allowed ourselves another quick hug, then reassembled and checked that the two men had nothing hidden that could help them escape.

Finding no objects of a suspicious nature, we took 'Number 4' pokeball containing a Zubat and, after gagging them, we quickly left our cell, making sure to lock the door.

We entered a narrow, damp corridor, proceeding forward and following my father's directions. Right, left, forward, left and so on.

When we arrived roughly in the center of the basement, my mother suddenly froze, as if petrified. We turned to her, questioning her with a glance.

The woman's eyes were wide and it seemed as if she had stopped breathing.

“Didn't you hear anything?” she whispered, eyeing, quickly and repeatedly, various points in the room around her, as if preparing to defend herself from an invisible attack.

My father and I looked at each other for a moment, considering what to do. Eventually I gave her a negative head sign in response.

Adelaide frowned and bit her lip hard.


“No… no, it's not ok. If there are other guards, we absolutely must understand who and where they are, we cannot risk being caught unprepared”

As my father said those words we heard the voice of one of our worst persecutors.

It had to be a nightmare.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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