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I woke up in a dark and silent room. The only light you could see was street lights that were shining through the window and all the noise that you could here were cars passing by on the street. Everything was blurry. I was completely numb. All I could feel is something wet dripping down on the side of my head. 'What am I doing here' I asked myself. I couldn't remember anything. I looked down and I saw that I was tied up in a chair. My mouth was covered with a cloth that smelled like beer. 'Nasty' I thought again. A least get something clean to put over my mouth. I was still trying to figure out where I was and how I got here until I heard a voice.

"Well I can see somebody is awake." I had no clue who was talking right now. I heard a lamp being turned on but I still couldn't see his face, all I could see was his body in the dark part of the room, walking slowly towards me.

"Did you have a nice nap?" The boy asked again. He started walking closer and closer to me. He finally was standing in front of me and I could see him perfectly. He was wearing a black short sleeve shirt and black jeans with a pair of Jordan's. And to top it all off he wore a black beanie. He had a chain around his neck, it was small but not to small where it was choking him. He had a bunch of tattoos on one arm but the other barely had any. He looked so gorgeous. He finally squatted down where his face was a few inches from mine. I looked right into his hazel eyes. He raised his hands up. I flinched because I thought he was going to hit me. He chuckled and just removed the cloth that was on my mouth. I didn't no what to do, so I just looked at him.

"Hi Kylie" he smiled deviously

How the hell does he know my name? That scared the hell out of me.

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" I asked.

"Oh sweet heart I know a lot more than your name." he chuckled.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" I asked again. Who the hell was this guy. I needed answers.

"The name is Carter. And you are here because...I love you"

"You what?" Did he just say he loves me. He doesn't even know me, I don't even know him.

"I love you" he said again.

"You don't even know me"

He walked closer to me, and put his hand on my cheek.

"Baby, I know everything about you, where you live, where you go to school, who your friends are, where you like to shop. Need I say more." He smiled

At this point I was so frightened. No this is a joke. He doesn't know me, he is lying.

"Your lying" I say confidently. He had to be. He just looked and me and laughed. He took his warm hand off my cheek letting the cold air hit it and walked over to a table. On the table there was a bag. He looked at me then opened the bag.

"Oh Kylie," he took out a picture of me in my room doing homework. "Does it look like I am lying now." I gasped. How hell does he have that. He just chuckled.

"Oh and there is more" he pulled out more and more pictures of me. One where I am talking with my friends, eating lunch, in class, by my locker, having sleepover, in the shower and the scariest one of all...me sleeping. A tear rolled down my cheek. I was scared. I can't believe this is happening to me. I have a stalker.

"Aww baby don't cry...how about I untie you and we can go and cuddle." He smiled.

"No I don't want to go anywhere with you sick bastard!" I yelled. That smile turned into an angry face.

"Fine then you can just stay here for the rest of the night." He said. He was walking to the door to leave.

"What are you, crazy?" I asked. He smirked then said the scariest thing.

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