Vodka is Water in Russian!

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Sorry for not updating! I’ve been working on my other story Down In History. Now for the results of “The Plan”

So…apparently our plan worked…ish. Rogue and Remy aren’t trying to murder each other, so that’s good, but they aren’t “Buddy-Buddy”, and I’m not sure how long it’ll be till they resume trying to put the other six foot under.

Kitty and I have stopped meddling in Remy and Rogue’s personal life…for now, at least. Besides, we have bigger problems.

It seems a certain Russian’s *Cough* Colossus *Cough* sisters are coming to visit, and possibly join, the X-Men. Now, I’d be fine if it were just Tanya, the middle Rasputin child, but it’s not. It’s also Illyana, who I know as Darkchyld, or the Ruler of Limbo.

You can see why I don’t like her.

I was going to ask Peter about his sisters, ‘cause I wanted to be sure that Illyana was a bitch before I treat her like one…what? I told you, I don’t like that girl. Even if she’s a perfect little flower in this universe, I’m not gonna like her.

I was about to knock on the door, when I heard Pete talking to somebody. They were talking in Russian, so I only caught a few words, but whoever he was talking to was definitely female. Must be Illyana…or Tanya, I guess.

I put my back up against his door and slid down so I was sitting, then fell asleep.

When I woke up, I was still sitting, but the familiar smell of paint and lead filled my nose. I opened my eyes and yawned, stretching my right arm behind my shoulders and my left arm up. “Hey, Piotr. Hope I didn’t ruin your drawing.” “You didn’t.” I smiled as I sat up. “I’m glad.” I walked behind Pete and looked at his sketchbook.

I wasn’t surprised when I saw a beautiful drawing. It was of a girl, who looked an awful lot like me. She was sleeping in a sitting position. She looked so peaceful…

I smiled. “It’s beautiful, Pete.” “Thank you, Tovarishch.” I sat on his bed and crossed my legs. “So, the reason I came in here…” I looked up at the Russian. Guess I should just get it out… “I heard your sisters were coming, and-” “You have a bad history with Illyana.” I blinked a few times. “Well…yeah.” Piotr sighed. “She isn’t bad. Not here, at least.” I nodded slowly and hopped up. “Okie dokie then. I’ll give her a chance.” “That would be much appreciated.” I smiled lightly before exiting the room.

Next up on my list is to check in with Rogue, which is exactly what I’m gonna do.

I walked into the Danger Room, where Rogue was smashing bots to pieces, and Logan was watching from the Observation Deck. “Hey, Logan.” “Wolfy! There you are! I called you in an hour ago!” “Ya did? Er…didn’t hear.” He narrowed his eyes. “Telepathically.” “Asleep.” I shrugged, before walking into the actually dangerous part of the Danger Room.

Rogue ignored me at first, instead continuing to demolish holographic bots. I wasn’t going to do anything, until one snook up behind her. I teleported up, grabbed my bo staff, and drove it through the bot’s head. “You’re welcome~!” I sang.

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever." And then she leaned on the wall, crossing her arms. "What do you want?" I continued taking out bots. Since I had been so late, I’d probably have to train for a few extra hours. Joy…

“I can tell you what I don’t want. Anyone to die. That means you, Remy, Kitty or me.” I stated, flipping behind a bot and stabbing it with my claws. “What are you even talking about?" Rogue replied, getting annoyed because she wasn't understanding

"Well, you and/or Remy are gonna probably wind up murdering each other, Kitty's has to worry about her boyfriend's sisters, and Logan's gonna murder me for being late. Again." I replied in a matter-a-factly tone.

Thank God for Healing Factors!...Right?

"Hmph, I won't kill him if he doesn't bothers me again, simply like that." Yep, she’s annoyed.

Very annoyed.

"Well, that's good. But we still have the problem of Piotr's sisters. And by that, I mainly mean Illyana. She's kinda a bad guy in my universe..." I stabbed two bots with my daggers, before grabbing one and throwing it at another. A few pieces of metal went flying in random directions, but they didn't seem to hit anyone.

 "It doesn't concern me, and anyway what do you want to do about it?" Rogue asked, watching me destroy bots. "Make sure our roommate doesn't get murdered...or anyone else, for that matter." I would of added a duh, but Anna’s already pissed so...yeah, no.

"Yeah, whatever." I blinked as the Southern Goth walked out. "Well, at least she's no longer trying to murder Remy." "Pay attention!" Logan barked, and I looked back just in time to get slammed into the wall. "Ow..."

I walked back into the room, unwrapping the bandage around my torso. “Stupid bots…” I muttered. The Danger Room is called that for a reason, but still.

It hurts!

Soo…how am I gonna tell Kitty? "Oh, hey, Kit! Nice weather, right? By the way, Piotr's sisters are coming and are probably gonna murder you."

Too straightforward? Yeah, probably.

Speaking of the cat in question, Kitty was sitting on her bed, typing frantically on her computer. She looked up at me, and relief seemed to flood through her. “Tara! Oh, thank God! I have to hide!” “…Wha-” “Didn’t you hear?! Pete’s sisters are coming! They’re going to murder me!”

Oh…she already knows…well, that makes my job easier.

“Calm down, Kit. It’s not that bad. Tanya’s super sweet, y’know? And Illyana…” Is a complete bitch! “is supposed to be really nice too.” Ugh…

Kitty took a deep breath. “Yeah, I’m sure you’re right. I just have to calm down. I’m going to-”

Everyone, come down to the foyer. Our guests have arrived.


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