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This is a 100 followers special book. Thanks for helping me reach 100 follower. Hope you like my Lui x Valt book.


Valt's Pov

I grab my dorm's key and walk toward my room. Im really excited to meet my roommates. I wonder who could it be.

I slowly open the door and saw that my roommates already arrived. He turn around and reveal his face.
"YOU !".

Is this a curse or what . Why did he has to be my roommates . I have the same class as him . And now i have to stay with him.

Things really getting worse for my first day............


I know that the prologue is short. But i couldn't think what moment should i put in prologue so i just put this moment. :))
Im making the chap 1 i will upload it later when its finished.

~Love at First Sight~ Lui x ValtWhere stories live. Discover now