Chapter 1 : First Day

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Here the first chapter you all have been waiting for . Hope you like it. And sorry for my bad grammar.


Third's Pov

Valt was running late for his first day of school.
" Im so late, stupid alarm you didnt even wake me up."
He was running so fast and didnt even look where he's going so he accidentally bump into someone.
"Watch where you're going"a blue flaming haired male yelled at him.
"Im sorry, i was in rush" Valt apologizes.
"Where did do you put you eyes?!"Lui mocks.
"Theres no need to be rude" Valt mumbles.
"Whatever , just move, your blocking my way" Said Lui.
"Rude Much..."Valt Mumbles and realised that he only have 10 minute left before his first class start.

"Im so late" He ran quickly to his classroom before the bell rang.
"I made it" Valt sighed in relief as he make his way to the principal office to get his schedule.
He went to his Class and saw the teacher  waiting for him .
She told me to wait outside and wait till she gave me a signal to come in.
"Okey, Class today we have a new student joining us".
"You can come in and introduce yourself".
Valt come in and start to intoduce himself.
"My name is Valt, im 16. My hobby is reading".
"Thank you, Valt you can sit beside Sakura (sakura12_12) You gave me an idea to put you B-)) " As i walked to my sit i saw someone familiar sitting at the back, its the guy i bumped when i was in hurry. Um why would i care he is rude. "Okey class today we will learn about....... "

Lui's Pov

I make to the class in time before the teacher arrived. I went to my seat and waited for the teacher to arrive. The teacher arrived at the classroom bringing someone behind her.
"Okey, Class today we have a new students joining us".
"You can Come in and Introduce yourself".
He walked to the front and introduce himself. He is the boy who bumped to me early. "So his name is Valt, What a cute name for a boy".

After Class,at Lunch

Valt's Pov

I was looking for a place to sit but then i heard someone calls my name.
"Valt over here".
I saw Honcho and the others is here too. I thought they will go to other school.
"Hey guys"
" Hey buddy how your first day"
"Its good".
"Glad to hear".
"Well im suprised i thought you guys will go to other school".
"Well i guess its just a coincidence".
"Hmm yeah".

After Lunch

Valt's Pov

I walked around and saw someone familiar from a far. It was Shu my childhood friends. I walked toward him and start a conversations.
"Hey shu long time no see".
"Hey Valt i didnt know you went to this school".
"Yeah im so excited".
"Did you get your Dorm's key"
"Not yet"
"Want me to accompany you?"
"Its okey its not a big deal"
"Okey then see ya later"
"See ya".
Valt walks toward the Principal office to ask for the keys.
Knock, Knock, Knock
"Come in"
"Oh its just you Valt, what can i help for you first day".
"I want to ask for ther dorm's key".
"Oh , heres the key and you rooms number".
"Thank you".
"If you curious about something in this school you can ask me".
"Thanks, I will leave now".

Valt went to the floor of his room. He search for the room that has the same number as in the paper principal gave him. After 5 minutes of searching he finally found his Room. He was excited to meet his roommates. He unlocked the door and open it quietly. He saw someone sitting on the chair of the rooms. "I guess my roommates is here".
"Hey you must be my roommates".
The boy turned around and revealed his face.
"You must have enter the wrong room. "
"If i miss the room how can this key open the door".
"Ugh Whatever, just dont get in my rooms and do not touch my belongings".
"Hmmph! ".
"So where is my room".
"infront of my room".
"Im gonna start unpacking my things..".
"Ah ya, i didnt get you name".
"My name is Lui.....Lui Shirasagijo".
"Well we were in the same class so you might know my name".

I went to the room and start to unpacking all my things . The room decorations is so beautiful. While i was unpacking all my things i heard someone knocked the door. It was Lui.
"Someone want to meet you".
I walked to the front door and saw Shu standing there.
"Its just you Shu. I thought it would be someone else".
"Yeah, Well i was wondering to have dinner together this night at the nearest restaurant".
"Yeah sure, i didnt actually plan anything this night"
"Meet ya at my room at 6, i will bring you there".
"Okey, see ya".

Lui's Pov

I over heard their conversations. I guess they will go on a dinner this night. Are they together or what, they look so close . Wait a minute why would i care about him. He is just an idiot. But he's cute thought. What in the saying , he's not cute . Am i falling inlove already.........

Valt's Pov

I was getting ready for dinner tonight. I wear my usual clothes. But suddenly
Lui come in my room and start to ask some questions.
"Where are you going".
"Having a dinner with my friends ,why? "
"Friends or boyfriends? " he ask with annoyed face.
"Its just my childhood friends".
"Oh. "
"Nothing, just asking".

After i finished getting ready i went to the front door and wear my shoes. I saw Lui reading a book, i can tell that he's pretend reading that book. The book he's reading is upside down. I just ignore it and left the rooms. I went to Shu's room and saw shu is waiting for me.

Shu's Pov

He already arrived at my room. He look so cute. I have loved him for a long time. This is the right moment for me to confessed to him. I hope he accept my confession.

Valt's Pov

He then bring me to a restaurant. I thought he will bring some of his friends to but i guess its just two of us.But then we start to talk about when we were back then. Its was fun to talk with shu.
"Hey Shu. "
"Yeah, Valt. "
"Well why you want have dinner tonight, i apolizes for asking a ridiculous questions".
"Its okey .Well actually Valt i want to tell you something".
"Oh okey, Spit it out then".
"Well you know that have know each other since we were kids".
"i have this feeling for you, everytime im near you, my heart beat fast and i can think straight".
"i didnt understand? "
"Well Let me get this thing straight...... I-I...Like You, Valt"
"I Like You too as my friends of course".
"No Valt i like you more than friends".
"Oh how can i not realizes, its like Best friends right? "
"No Valt is not like it, well how can say it......"
"Valt, I Love You i want to be together with you. I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE VALT AOI.........."

◌⑅●♡⋆♡To Be Continued....... ♡⋆♡●⑅◌

Will Valt accept it or not?

Will they be together?

You will know in the next chapter.

Its finally done. Fuhh. Next update will be either this book or "Another path".
Yeah so im sorry for my Bad grammar and thank you for reading this book.
See you in the next chapter.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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