Demeter: Wounded...but not lost

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Are you gone? Are you dead? It seems not. You can feel them as they wash the blood from your side. Though you are too weak to even open your eyes, you can hear the physicians all around you, screaming orders to save your life. The life of their lord.
You can even hear Samorra, barking at them to do something to save you. He doesn't sound like a traitor as Vradnik was leading you to believe.
Then he falls by your side. 

"Lord", he begins uttering. 

"I know you can hear me. Hold on, lord!", he begs you.

 "Hold on! Remember you have to avenge both Lernard, the man of letters, and our friend Aldred. Be strong and remember your oath to the, oh lord!" 

This he says with crying in his voice.

You can tell he's trying to hold it back, but it cannot be held back. It cannot be refrained. It must flow as the great Western rivers.

Samorra begins crying now. 

He's tough, but emotions break any man. 

You wish you could answer him, and let him know that you are alive. Even so, you yourself are ambiguous where that is concerned as you aren't even sure you really are. Your hearing fades a little, then it comes back and then it goes completely and you find yourself fading away.

You find yourself falling from the heavens, you are in your armour, the one you had worn in your previous sieges. You fall past the stars and past the planets and then you land. You land so hard that you'd think that you'd die from such a fall. But you are well, not even bearing any pain. You get up, and dust yourself off.

"My, how you have grown", a calm familiar voice says.

 You know it. Turning your head to the left is a man standing also in armour, bearing the coat of the house of de la cCrost. He is taller than you with his light, blue eyes, and his chestnut-beard, running from his right ear, down between his mouth and then up back to his left ear. The man gives you a warm and expecting look. 

"Father!?", you cry out to him.

 He nods a gentle nod. 

"Father!?", you holler, falling up into his arms. 

He embraces you. You look him in the eyes. 

"It is really you!" 

He chuckles, "of course it is my boy!"

"But that would mean---" you begin saying, looking around the great and empty void that you see. 

Stars. Millions. Billions. Gazillions of them! For miles all you can see are stars, floating easily around you and shining ever so brightly. 

"That would mean---" "that you're dead?", he finishes the sentence for you.

 You give him a regretful and sorry look. 

"No", he announces. 

"You are not dead my boy. Albeit very close. You're on my star." 

His star? 

"Whatever do you mean?", you question him. "

When you die, you will gain a star just as me and your grandfather. A whole star, a whole world for yourself to rule." 

He then rewards you with a stern look and you know what he will say. 

"How could you be so foolish!?", he shouts, switching from loving and embracing to fierce and enraged. 

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