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I knelt down and grabbed a snowball.

Immediatley I launched it at Stampy and it hit his shoulder,

We split into teams.

Me, Netty, Rosie and Amy against Lee, Squid, Stampy and Finnball.

As me and Rosie distracted the boys Netty and Amy built a little wall to protect ourselves with.

Amy joined us throwing snowballs while Netty formed snowballs for rapid fire.

We began rapid fire, hitting the boys at high speed,

"owww" they whined.

"wimps" I called out laughing

"heyyy" I heard them moan.

As we made more snowballs we made a plan.

"move out, move out, move out" I said finally.

Amy and Netty ran out to the left and me and Rosie to the right.

We trapped the boys between us, their failed wall and the house wall.

"I'm getting you for this" Stampy laughed as I hit him in the chest with a snowball.

He chased me down the garden and tackled me to the ground.

I laughed hard until his face got closer and I could feel his breath against my neck. 

I kissed him.

Stampy and Sqaishey Love Story 2Where stories live. Discover now