we're the story begins for the lovers

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(Talks about muder and there's cuss words and please do not tell me you have no been warned)

Devin's P.O.V

It was when me and Micheal got invited to the brother's house or I should say Austin and ritchie's house, so when me and Micheal were walking there we came apon a weird guy that had a weird Hoodie that didn't Show his face, he came to us "so what are you fella's doing here all alone ey?" He asked "were off to a friends house, sir" Micheal replied with a emotionless voice as always "can I join?" The man said "absolutely not we cannot talk to strangers I'm sorry but we are leaving!" I replied with an angry tone "sorry sir" Micheal said with a goodbye wave but an emotionless expression

~~~when they made it to Austin and ritchie's house~~~

Michael's P.O.V

When we got to their house we knocked on the door "coming!" Said a muffled voice behind the door but when the door opened it was ritchie my eyes sparkled a little but no one noticed, but then again I still wonder why I have this feelings for ritchie and why ritchie, but when  he opened the door he had an weird expression when he saw me like a.....disgust expression that he made, it kinda broke my heart but I still didn't care "come in" he said with a normal tone now.

Ritchie's P.O.V

When they came in I lead then to our room and when we came in the room we saw Austin loosing to bri on Mario kart "NOOOOO!" screamed Austin when he lost "hello" said Micheal "oh hey guys you made it, geez took you long enough "sorry we stumbled apon a weird guy that wanted to come with us for a weird reason" he said with a disgusted but a little confusion, when he said that I was a little worried not for Micheal cause I still hated him after what he did to my ex-girlfriend's fucking dead body! "soooooo wanna play with us or what?" Said Austin "I'll go do something real quick" said Micheal "oh alright seeya" replied Austin "yup seeya later mike" Devin said while waving, I groaned "why are you like that to Micheal?" Said Devin with confusion "cause what he did to my fucking girlfriend ofcourse!" I said with a little anger in my voice "but he didn't kill her didn't he" said Austin with a little worry in his voice "no" I mumbled "then that's settled-" said Austin but I inturrupted him "BUT HE MADE A FUCKING TRESURE HUNT SO CAN JUST BE FUCKING FRIENDS THAT'S SO FUCKING INSANE OF HIM!" I said yelling out loud "shut up, you might let Micheal here you!" Said bri with a worry voice "does it look like I give a damp about him?" I questioned "no" mumbled Devin with a furious tone in his voice I could hear it.

Michael's P.O.V

I was eavesdropping on there conversation on accident cause I heard yelling it kinda scared me so I walked to the room and eavesdrop when I heard what ritchie said I was......broken, heart broken to be exact but then I saw someone caught me so I backed away quickly but when I saw them qlearly I saw it was bri who caught me though she never said anything but then I never noticed but there was tears coming out of my face so when I noticed I ran someone heard me they ran after me or chased me to Austin and ritchie's garden I cried without making a sound but for somehow the person caught me and when I notice the person was bri, again "what ms wrong mike?" She said worried " my heart hurts but I don't know why!"I said back with a I worried face and tone, she hugged me so I hugged back "cmn we should hed back" said bri "yea heh" I said while wiping my tears off.

~~~When they he'd back~~~

"Hey guys" said bri ruining the conversation the boys had, "oh hey what's up why did you ran away?" Asked Austin while I was looking down "and what's wrong with him?" Austin asked again "well we wanted to look at the garden and sorry for not asking you" She said and after she said that she giggled "oh its fine, right ritchie?" Said Austin with a straight face at ritchie "yeah" mumbled ritchie with a growl "oh great!" Said bri with excitement for a weird reason "yo Devin can I steal Micheal for a bit?" Asked bri for an oddly weird reason again "oh um sure?" Said Devin with a little confusion "Oh Great Cmon micheal" She Said With More ecicment then Before but She Pulled Me I Yelled Out a small 'eep!',

Bri's P.O.V

When we got to my house I wanted to give Micheal a makeover without telling him and I didn't felt bad one bit not gonna lie "why are we doing At your house if I may ask?" Asked Micheal while he tipped his head a little like a dog not knowing what his owner is asking and it was very adorable "well we are doing a makeover ofcourse!!" I said very excited "I never agreed to this though" he said while putting his back to place "um well sorry but i was never sopposed to ask for your answer cause I was very excited" I said with a a sad face on "it's fine just ask me next time alright" he said while patting my head to make make me feel better and it worked though he was still emotionless, I always knew Micheal was a weird but now I kinda regret calling him weird he is very kind, kinda sweet "but your a girl, and how will you find clothes for me cause maybe you don't have a brother?" He said "well I bought some for you here try them on" I said while giving the clothes to Micheal "o-oh thank you!" He said but stuttered a little though it was cute btw he can't know, but I kinda ship him with ritchie even though ritchie hates him it kinda makes sense cause the ship, get it- oof what what a bad joke- when Micheal was done he came out "do I look good?"-

HAH CLIFFHANGER please forgive me I am very tired and made this cause I was bored and yeah this was sopposed to be a storie about ritchie and Micheal being lovesick or Yanderefor each other but I forgot in my au ritchie hates Micheal for what he did to Patricia- anndddd I'm wasting your time sorry it's 12Am gosh.

1123 words including what I just wrote oof- welp GOODBYE!

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